selena gomez cutest pics

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 08:06

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  • techluvr
    Jan 6, 11:48 AM
    When I get my license, if everything goes according to plan, it will be a 2011 Subaru Outback 3.6R Limited. Absolute sportiest car I've ever driven, and it's a wagon. Perfect. Don't have any pics right now, sorry.

    selena gomez cutest pics. Cute Selena Gomez
  • Cute Selena Gomez

  • jashic
    Oct 23, 07:08 PM
    me too. i can easily picture them sitting behind the screen biting their nails while hoping new mbp's are not released. then they have the incredible urge to post totally useless comments because they can't bare the fact that their mbp is about to be outdated.

    haha! i love it! about the fact that I've been enjoying my MBP for months now while you've been waiting and replying on this board for those same months on whatever ancient machine you currently own? I dunno about you, but I've enjoyed these months of screaming performance while on the road. But hopefully for you, the months of checking this website on a daily basis wishing you had a MBP pays off this week.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 9, 07:47 PM
    Incipio is now shipping DermaSHOT cases

    selena gomez cutest pics. Selena Gomez, Set Of People
  • Selena Gomez, Set Of People

  • adrianblaine
    Oct 24, 06:13 AM

    no joke

    at least in Germany

    Thumbs up :)

    The only stores I found still up were the US and Canada

    selena gomez cutest pics. selena gomez cute.
  • selena gomez cute.

  • arkitect
    Mar 22, 01:00 PM
    I don't believe any was born gay, that's my opinion. I believe you make the choice in your life, just like you make the choice on what career you want and college you desire to go to. I have friends that were once married (guy/girl) and then divorced because they liked their sex better. So now they are openly gay and happy.

    The only choice these friends of yours made was to try and fit in with straight culture.

    They were always gay. They chose to be straight… and that never works out.
    I have back and forth e-mails with them stating they consider it a choice. One of my friends is a writer for Lesbians and spoke in front of congress on this issue 2 years ago. I was with her and she even stated that it was a choice to become a lesbian and it's now America's choice to accept it for all for choose this path.
    Colour me sceptic.
    Back and forth with emails confessing they chose to be gay? Oh come on.

    FYI, I made a choice about my career… tonight's dinner, my brand of underwear… I did not choose to be gay. No more than you made a choice to be (I assume) straight. Or… did you… which brings me back to your gay/straight switching friends. Perhaps time to do some more emailing? Talk things over with them? No need to be so deep in that dark closet.

    selena gomez cutest pics. Selena Cute!
  • Selena Cute!

  • Macky-Mac
    Mar 19, 02:48 PM
    ....Whoever controls the air, pretty much has a gigantic advantage in pounding the enemy into submission......

    is that why the war in afghanistan ended so successfully years ago? oh wait..... :p

    selena gomez cutest pics. Selena Gomez Cute
  • Selena Gomez Cute

  • Al Coholic
    Apr 21, 11:56 AM
    As soon as I saw the name Al Franken I stopped reading. What a dufus.


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  • Gorgeous Selena Gomez Looking

  • BRLawyer
    Apr 19, 12:01 PM
    My 24" iMac is still going strong... they'll something pretty major to get me to consider getting a new one.

    Mine too, a wonderful machine...but I am definitely going for a new one if the upgrade is good enough. :rolleyes:

    selena gomez cutest pics. Selena Gomez Cute Black Dress
  • Selena Gomez Cute Black Dress

  • freeny
    Jul 19, 04:37 PM
    stocks up 7.45% in after hours.....:)

    selena gomez cutest pics. selena gomez cute pictures.
  • selena gomez cute pictures.

  • tech4all
    Nov 27, 01:58 PM
    I hope this is true. This would be great for the Mac mini. Consumers really don't need a 20" + screen. A 17" screen (4:3 or wide) would be nice, and nice (low) price would be even nicer! Since the 20" and 23" are have the same difference is size as the 17" and 20" would (3"), and the 20" cost $699 and the 23" $999, so the 23" is $300 more, following that logic the 17" would cost $399. Hopefully it'll be cheaper than that though since you can get a Dell 17" LCD for cheaper....maybe a price drop for the whole line. :)

    selena gomez cutest pics. Selena Gomez Cutest Pics.
  • Selena Gomez Cutest Pics.

  • SPUY767
    Sep 7, 06:46 AM
    Judging by the ratings, I get the sensation that some of us here don't like disney movies. Anyhow, Apple's not really trying to break into any new markets with this, nor are they trying to be revolutionary. They already have an incredibly robust content distribution system, and it costs them next to nothing to host these movies on it. If people download them, great, if not, so what. But seriously, for the price, these mofos better be Hi-Def!

    selena gomez cutest pics. Selena Gomez cute and sexy
  • Selena Gomez cute and sexy

  • iSamurai
    Apr 12, 10:21 PM
    hmm... I've just edited a video for a uni project in After Effects... and having done another video in FCP before I thought these two programmes had similar interfaces though AE was much better though I do like FCP's automatic snapping when dragging video clips around.

    As for this preview for the new FCPX, quite a few features I thought were great (especially audio clean up), but not so sure on the layout (similarity to iMovie) and compared to AE all the buttons and knobs are clearly allocated... But yeah I'm keen to give it a try.

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  • Selena Gomez cute pics by

  • Peace
    Jan 12, 01:39 PM
    I've taken trips before where I used the superdrive to burn stuff to.

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  • Super cute Selena Gomez wore a

  • iMark
    Feb 23, 08:07 AM

    Photo details on flickr (

    selena gomez cutest pics. selena gomez cute pics.
  • selena gomez cute pics.

  • hansolo669
    Mar 1, 10:23 AM
    haha - luckilly my family dont control my eBay account, and if they complain I find a way of hiding a few more of them in a cupboard (I actually ended up moving a shelf at one point so I could fit a iMac G3 in it) - although it is reaching the point where both my room and my dorm room are nearly full of old (and new) Macs... xD (All of them bar 1 boot, and the 1 that doesnt is only because its HD is on the way out - with a goodun it boots just fine).

    haha- nice ;) , im just waiting till i move out (oh and have that magical thing called money). the thrill of makeing old machines work "just one more" :)

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  • atad6
    Aug 29, 11:16 AM
    This is exactly what I predicted would happen when Apple went Intel. Now that Macs can be compared component for component with Wintel machines and new hardware is coming out every month, everyone is worked up about keeping up with latest thing at the best possible price and getting increasingly frustrated with Apple's unwillingness to create a product line with 10000 different machines that each compete with dollar for dollar and component for component with every other machine on the market. Meanwhile, we have people talking about $299 machines with DVD burners (AND Windows? I'd like to see THAT!).

    If you're so concerned about keeping up with the Jones, just buy a Dell, already.

    I find this amusing as well, all these complaints about how apple is too slow, has outdated hardware, etc etc. Now suddenly that apple's have comparable hardware suddenly they have to follow the same upgrade path as the rest of pc manufactures so they're not obsolete. Remember the g4 powerbooks? They were not only completely underpowered compared to its pc counterparts but also still ridiculously overpriced for what they were performance wise. That can be seen considering the current macbook pros have been proven to be 5x faster in some areas. Now that merom is coming out with a marginal (compared to the g4 to intel transition) 10-15% performance increase many people are complaining that the current yonah processors are just too slow. I just find this amusing considering people bought the underpowered overpriced powerbooks for so long. Apple just has a different business model, whether it is always executed properly is up for debate. They just have different priorities. Who knows when apple will put out the next revision of macbooks but if you're worring about it from a performance perspective you should probably consider buying a pc.

    Of course I could be completely wrong and with the whole intel transition apple could put out rapid upgrades to its lines just like the rest of the pc world. I was just going with history, just because apple uses intel chips doesn't mean they'll adopt them like the other companies.

    selena gomez cutest pics. Cute Selena Gomez
  • Cute Selena Gomez

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 31, 04:00 PM
    I just hope Apple doesn't make a habit of this "stealth" upgrade ********. I'm ready to buy now, but I'll wait a bit for an update. If I hear about people receiving core duos when core solo is written on the box, then I think my head will explode.

    Acording the story in the link I posted above, it's happened to at least one person so far. That may be what they're going for with the Mini's. Would they do the same thing with C2D and MBP's, MB's, etc.?

    selena gomez cutest pics. Selena Gomez
  • Selena Gomez

  • poppe
    Jul 14, 12:31 PM
    DVC-PRO is a Panasonic created format.


    Oops... I stand Corrected...

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  • Frisco
    Sep 6, 09:41 PM
    After following all this stuff today, I am really concerned about whateverthehell it is that will be announced next week. There seems to
    be limited interest in movie downloads, when there are already good alternatives (netflix, the local video shop, etc.) There are definitely some
    questions if that would/will even fly. I, for one, don't really care if I rent. I have a bunch of DVD movies, but rarely view them more than twice. So... even though an apple movie download service comes along, I really wonder how successful it will be. Which leads me to wonder... The Steve is not dumb. He is not going to order up a special meeting like this for something that may turn out to be nothing... Hell, it is apparently viewed by apple as much more important than the introduction of the 24" iMac, which is a heck of an interesting gadget. Do you think that there may be some REALLY BIG new technological/hardware gizmo being intro'd? Something that makes the movie store just a minor part of a larger picture. I keep thinking, Apple is a hardware company. Always has been. SHOW ME THE HARDWARE!

    Agreed! On-Demand is the future for movies. It just needs more of a selection then it's perfect.

    Downloading movies is of limited interest to most people. Just give up the Mac Media Center (iHome) and we'll all be happy campers come Tuesday!

    Feb 22, 03:22 PM
    I bought an 08 MacBook Aluminum. So No i'm not concerned or care about the upcoming refresh.

    Even so, you could have probably had the 08 Al MB for another $100 off post-refresh.

    It's finally all finished. Put the Craftsman tool chest in this weekend. It mostly hold cable and repair tools for guitars.

    Those toolboxes are quite expensive. Any reason you chose one of those over, say, a plastic rolling cart from Ikea?

    Feb 23, 03:17 PM
    nothing special but heres my setups bedroom and office

    Mar 22, 11:04 PM
    Well the apple TV has no drive anymore. if i could store stuff on the ipod i would be very happy. with 220GB storage? hell yeah! radio is a good idea too. no internal speakers because they just sound terrible. but higher screen resolution, yeah. i think so. i put movies on it occasionally. the usefulness of airplay features and blutooth are wireless headphones/speakers removing the need for a dock entirely. i don't really see the practicality of even having HDMI. but nothing too substantial. no new games thank you, im very content with klondike and the occasional session of vortex.

    Jan 8, 11:57 AM
    I upgraded a few things in 2010:

    Rancho Quick Lift (2.5 in leveling kit) front
    Rancho RS9000XL shocks for rear
    Rancho wireless controller for suspension
    Bridgestone REVO 2 AT Tires 285/75/17
    Black Nerf Bars
    Black Rhino-lining bedliner

    Nov 15, 07:58 AM
    Gosh, I'll be able to email and type Word docs SO much faster!! :p


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