pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 07:54

pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • PBF
    Apr 1, 09:28 PM
    ^ Yup, same here. A little bit annoying having to reopen the same window.

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • r.j.s
    Jan 2, 07:24 PM
    You call that snow? PFFT. lol

    We don't get a whole lot here, and I lived in Texas and Arizona for the past 8 years, but I'm originally from northern PA, so I grew up with Lake Effect snow.

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. together, justin bieber
  • together, justin bieber

  • risc
    Nov 29, 01:36 PM
    and hinted that that theme gave a "little idea of where [Apple] is going."

    It's true then; Apple are releasing a toilet with an iPod dock! SWEET!!!! :eek:

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. Selena+gomez+with+justin+
  • Selena+gomez+with+justin+

  • BoyBach
    Nov 29, 02:28 PM
    Andy Neff also writes "Apple noted that it has a number of products currently in development that are likely to be introduced over several years."

    I'm glad that he confirmed this. Otherwise Macworld in January would be memorable for all the wrong reasons.

    Mr. Jobs finished his keynote with the startling admission that there is nothing left: "That's all folks! We've got nothing else in development. See you in 2010."


    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • aafuss1
    Sep 6, 06:06 PM
    Bet the combo and Superdrives are all unchanged-the suppliers the same as February's model. And all Core Duo makes sense.
    No HDMI or Blu-Ray though (but could jack the price up-so best left for 24" iMac's first revision in 2007)

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. Justin Bieber amp; Selena
  • Justin Bieber amp; Selena

  • eljanitor
    Apr 20, 05:05 PM
    "rare"? In what part of the world are they "rare"?

    While I was looking for a new car maybe less then a year ago, and I asked the salesman if they had any manuals on the lot. He replied by telling me yes they do, and we got in a car that had paddle shifters on the steering wheel. I told him this is not a manual car, and he was obviously old enough to remember that a manual car has a "shifter" sticking out of the center, and usually a clutch pedal.

    So after that he explained to me that, "All the new cars are like this, there are no more manuals." I looked at him and said um, "I can order one online with a manual, without these paddles. So what do you meant they don't make them anymore?"

    I was greeted by another salesman when I got back from the test drive. When he asked me how I enjoyed the car, I asked him the same question, about when would they have a manual model on the lot. He said, "We don't stock those here sorry, but you can order it online and have it shipped here for pick up if you like."

    I ended up going to another dealer, who didn't try to tell me, " There are no more stick shift cars." I don't know when they will be trying to phase out the manual car, but it does seem that they are less desirable in places.

    However here are some more facts about manual cars:

    They are less expensive new then automatics by about $500 - $1000.

    They are cheaper to maintain and replace then automatics.

    Car dealers and salesmen make less commission on the sale of a manual car because it costs less. ( The paddle shifters, and the sport mode is an option on most cars and is more then the regular automatic transmission)

    You can get better gas mileage with a manual car vs an automatic.

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. pics of selena gomez and justin bieber together. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber; Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber. shadowmoses. Aug 7, 02:55 AM
  • pics of selena gomez and justin bieber together. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber; Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber. shadowmoses. Aug 7, 02:55 AM

  • !� V �!
    Apr 26, 03:01 PM
    It is my understanding that "Application Store" is a generic term, however "App Store" could be considered a trademark even though it is an abbreviation of the former.

    I am not saying that :apple: is right or Microsoft and Amazon is right, I am looking at this as what the term generic means. Having an abbreviation of a generic term might mean :apple: has a case, then again its a grey area.

    My prediction, the Judge will simple inform Microsoft and Amazon and Others to change it to "Application Store" and all will be well.

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. Selena-gomez justin bieber
  • Selena-gomez justin bieber

  • appleguy123
    Mar 20, 04:35 PM
    Enough with the false comparisons. Homeopathy doesnt actively harm people that buy into it. "ex-gay" therapy is harmful.

    Do you think that anyone would stand for a KKK app under the reasoning of "free speech"?
    Homeopathy does actively harm people, as it causes them to forgo medicine that actually works, possibly causing premature death from a curable ailment.
    25% of Amercans are evangelicals, and wouldn't consider this hate speech. This is a form of the love of god.

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • r.j.s
    Mar 20, 01:41 PM
    I assume the mushroom is from the initial warhead explosion, and the rest is the resultant exploding ammunition.

    Probably. Dust and debris fills the void created by the pressure from the initial explosion to form the mushroom. The rest is from the primary charge or secondary explosions, e.g. fuel.

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • yac_moda
    Jul 19, 07:38 PM
    Ah, those were the days.

    A one page web-site, drooling capital venurists, a silly name like "", and the day of your IPO your stock was $100 a share. Set for life I tell ya.

    NOT NEAR AS BAD AS THE ROARING 20s when many IPOs were openly pyramid schemes -- pyramid scheme TODAYS HOUSING MARKET :eek: :mad:

    Have you ever noticed that old timers LIKE pyramid schema !!!

    I guess that is why DELL was once sooo popular :rolleyes:

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • Reverend Wally
    Oct 23, 10:56 AM
    As I have said before....

    "round and 'round and 'round she goes.....
    Where she stops....nobody knows


    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. Selena+gomez+justin+ieber
  • Selena+gomez+justin+ieber

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 4, 07:25 PM
    congrats to whiterabbit for 12 million points!


    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • Eolian
    Sep 30, 08:38 AM
    Well, I ended up grabbing a Vue, in the lime green flavor. I actually kinda like the color (and it's the only one BestBuy had in stock when I went, heh).
    Fits snug, feels good and strong, I like it. Not terribly hard to get in and out.

    I like the Grip Vue also, the one thing I don't like about this case is the little strip on the front that goes across (above) the docking port.

    Mine (night sky) is a bit floppy there and feels like it could get worse with pulling the device in and out of pockets, backpacks, etc. I can see it tearing easily if snagged.

    I understand that TPU is claimed to be quite durable and elastic, but I don't like being concerned about a $25 piece of formed plastic :(

    I may return it just on this 'flaw.'


    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. Last Saturday, Justin Bieber
  • Last Saturday, Justin Bieber

  • I'mAMac
    Sep 1, 01:18 PM
    What is this chin on the iMac that everybody is talking about?

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • LtCarter47
    Aug 16, 09:16 AM
    Apple's headquarters has begun dispatching its staff to its major markets in Asia, to teach local sales how to demonstrate the new products, the sources noted.

    Sounds more like this would be related to this article:

    Apple cuts Taiwan workforce by 30% (
    Apple has cut its workforce at its local Taiwan sales office by 30-40 percent, including many executives and managers. The Digitimes reports that the workforce reduction was due to weaker sales and market share achieved by Apple Taiwan, compared to the performance of Apple's Hong Kong branch. The cuts follow the June resignation of Kong Yuk-loong, the former managing director of Apple Taiwan, according to the report. "Since Kong's departure, a number of managers and executives at the branch have resigned as well, including the former head of Apple Taiwan's marketing division

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez

  • macintel4me
    Sep 1, 03:29 PM
    Ignore the name Mac Pro, People I give you the 23" iMac!!!
    That is soooooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!!!
    Except you forgot the FrontRow IR port and that's at 30" and a 23" according to the description. :p

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. Selena Gomez threatened by
  • Selena Gomez threatened by

  • jxyama
    Mar 21, 06:14 PM
    sorry to say, bud, but it won't matter much even if 100,000 signs an online petition...

    apple is one of the healthier computer hardware companies out there and probably needs no "saving"...

    and people aren't signing it for a reason... perhaps they don't agree with the petition to begin with?

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • appleboy
    Mar 21, 08:32 AM
    Apple actually did have a plan to enter the low end market but jobs scrapped it. They were going to make a deal with ibm a make atx form factor motherboard with no expansion slots and a soldered in g3 cpu that could support ps2 keyboards and mice. The idea was to sell it with osx 10.2 no ilife or apple works for 100 bucks so people could build there own low end mac compatible computer and when they upgraded to 10.3 and bought ilife apple would make a great deal of profit on them. Jobs decided if they did this it would cheapen the apple name and hurt the companies image.

    pictures of selena gomez and justin bieber together. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • 63dot
    Jan 6, 10:13 AM
    If properly maintained, mileage holds no bounds! BMW's will go to 250k easy.

    Any car will go 250K miles if properly maintained, yet some cars would need more proper maintenance.

    There is nothing better looking on the inside and out as the new BMWs, and if I could have a company car for 5 years, it would be a BMW. But today's BMW (engine longevity wise) is not the same company in any way as the one who put together the very rugged 2002 model. There may not have been the same attention to looks and style, but what counted was that the engine was made to last forever. You wouldn't believe how many of those rusted out and ripped up 2002s there are out there, but they keep on going. Kids get them from their parents and soon grandkids will have them from their grandparents.

    That being said, today's automobile safety standards are far more strict. If I got hit, or crashed, I would want to be in a new BMW with airbags vs. an old BMW 2002. And I am sure the new BMW could simply kill the 2002 on a slalom course. And as far as chick magnets (or what some guys use as an accessory), the new BMWs have all the looks going for it.

    The maintenance on indestructible cars like the BMW 2002 series, and cars like my 70s/80s Volvo DL-GL series amounts to making sure the upholstery is not too ripped up and the rust is kept to a minimum (bondo, sanding, etc) but what you have is a car, as ugly as the weather and age can pit the hell out of it, which will go for 40 or 50 years without any major engine work. And to be fair, my mechanic says the new Volvo engines of the last decade are pretty fragile. A three year old Volvo engine appears to have more wear than my '84's engine according to him. Of course, the sheer durability and weight of my old Volvo engine does amount to a heavier car that doesn't handle any better than a school bus, and gets terrible mileage. ;)

    And when you look at where American cars used to be in terms of reliability compared to anything post 1970s, it's sad. Take a look at Cuba who got left behind after Fidel Castro. Many of the cars people have that are still running are 1950s American cars, back when America used to build everlasting cars.

    Mobster Sauce
    Apr 2, 07:08 PM
    Nicely done.

    Apr 27, 01:03 AM
    Here's a brilliant idea... only people who have actually gone through the trademark process should continue to comment.
    Having been through it twice, I can tell you that it's not a walk in the park.
    There is nothing cut and dry about any of it.
    Your success depends just as much on your prep work as it does on the examining lawyer from the USPTO side.
    Fortunately we had a great lawyer working with us from the USPTO.

    I got one approved for my wife's company name, and lost the other trademark application for of all things, being descriptive.
    We knew the second was a long shot, but had to try.

    Yep. Its incredibly annoying hearing all the "experts" on the internet try to grossly oversimplify the matter. Oh well.

    Reverend Wally
    Jan 1, 08:24 PM
    Why not just build the "iThing" ....

    Sort of like Bruce Willis' apartment in The Fifth Element.

    A small rectangular object with an Apple dial on it that you call up the menu and can choose between an automobile (iCar) and menu again to choose the Macbook Pod, and when you get to the lot you live at you click on a menu item and your house comes out of the ground and you park your iCar and click on a menu item to open the lock on the door, then go into the iKitchen to make dinner in your iMicrowave.

    Oh yeah ... and all the doors and windows (yucky word) in the iHouse are shaped like the Apple logo.

    Hmmm .... even an Apple logo shaped iSwimming Pool.c


    Mar 24, 12:43 PM
    I don't even know where to start.

    Aug 6, 11:41 PM
    Hey, since we're all posting picts, a blast from the past:


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