justin bieber kisses

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 13:22

justin bieber kisses. Justin Bieber kissing a fan;
  • Justin Bieber kissing a fan;

  • A.Fairhead
    Jul 18, 04:11 AM
    I hope the rental thing is true--I don't want to own. I'm not with Steve Jobs on this one (assuming the rumors are true that he opposes rentals).

    Owning music downloads fits my habits/needs. Owning movie downloads does NOT. The vast majority of movies I watch I never see again. And I don't want to store big movie files long-term. And I don't want to pay a higher price! Lower the price and make it short-term. I like that better.

    For the few movies/shows I'd want to own, I want the discs (Blu-Ray preferred :) ) and the ability to take them to a friends' house.

    Also, if it's a rental model, I can be more forgiving on quality. They'd have to be better than iPod 320x240 (except, obviously, when played ON an iPod), but if they're a little bit short of DVD quality, I'd still be bored enough to seek instant gratification and rent some. The price would have to be right, of course. Netflix rentals cost about $2.50 each on my plan. For slightly-sub-DVD quality and near-instant delivery, I'd pay maybe $2. For FULL DVD quality I'd certainly be willing to match Netlflix's price, or even pay a little more (for iTunes convenience/speed).

    I agree; I watch movies a lot more than I buy movies. When I go to the cinema, I pay to watch the film, not to own it. Most people do this - owning films is something of an impulse post-viewing, in my experience. If iTMS can provide a rental service, that's great. If they end up providing purchases too, then, that's great too. Apple will be able to target 'viewing' markets as well as 'purchase' markets, if the difference is easy enough to see there.

    I guess my thoughts are to not rule out rentals - I'm sure many of you work with films like I've just described :p

    justin bieber kisses. Justin Bieber kisses an older
  • Justin Bieber kisses an older

  • ChrisA
    Jul 18, 03:28 PM
    How many of you who buy DVDs watch them more then once? More then twice? More than 20 times? Ok I've bought videos for my kids whaen they were in preschool nd they watched the same video 20 times in a row over a two week priod. So I'll aks "how many adults would want to watch the same DVD multiple times?" I figure almost no one would. So why buy a video. Renting seems the best. So now what you do is find a rental outfit that has the best terms

    Apple will have the problem of balancing video quality with download times. I think a DVD quality feature film can be compressed down to 1GB. That's hours of time for most people so I doubt they will ofer that quality. So who wants to watch a poor quality movie? Someone I'm sure won't care and all Apple needs is 0.1% of the market to sell millions

    justin bieber kisses. justin bieber kissing.
  • justin bieber kissing.

  • sorepheet
    Apr 11, 07:31 AM
    Currently own a 2007 Toyota Yaris manual transmission and LOVE it! Average 33 MPG, best MPG to date: 46!!!

    justin bieber kisses. Justin Bieber Kissing Kim
  • Justin Bieber Kissing Kim

  • dmelgar
    Apr 19, 11:10 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    One step closer to a MBA refresh.

    13" maybe, but the 11" doesn't look to be refreshed for a while. AFAIK Intel has as yet not announced a new CPU that is as low power as the Core2Duo in the 11" MBA.

    justin bieber kisses. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 31, 02:15 PM
    To say any one country defeated the nazis really isn't true. It's as unreasonable a claim as rasmasyean's wargasmic fantasy :p

    As it was, the nazi invasion of russia came very close to success. Would the soviets have defeated the nazis if germany hadn't also been engaged in northern africa and then italy and western europe at the same time they were fighting the soviets? Would they have have beaten Hitler if he hadn't gone against the advice of his generals and made some disastrous decisions? Didn't the Persian supply corridor factor into the soviets being able to hold off the germans? etc etc etc

    The reality is that the allied forces beat the nazis and not any one country.

    But wargasm fantasy aside, I still think that even if the Americans didn't enter the war directly and assuming they didn't supply the Allies with weapons, and they were still able to hold off Nazis by themselves, the Manhattan project sequence was already on the way. It's no doubt that US would have "tested" them not only in Japan, but all over Europe. And I don't think any of the Axis would have kept going.

    justin bieber kisses. Justin+ieber+kisses+a+boy
  • Justin+ieber+kisses+a+boy

  • mrapplegate
    Apr 3, 06:58 PM
    But why would Apple not do it my way by default??? Google did. Smart and logical of them.

    It might very well be an option by the time it is released in the summer. Like they say it is only a preview and so much is in flux.

    justin bieber kisses. about justin bieber kisses
  • about justin bieber kisses

  • MacMan86
    Apr 26, 12:20 PM
    EDIT - wrong thread - nothing to see here

    justin bieber kisses. justin bieber kisses selena
  • justin bieber kisses selena

  • jxyama
    Apr 6, 11:22 AM
    actually, nevermind. i don't care anymore. you are clearly not reading what i've been posting anyway.

    justin bieber kisses. justin bieber kisses fan.
  • justin bieber kisses fan.

  • Jopling
    Nov 29, 05:19 PM
    Maybe you can do video iChat sessions with an optional iSight camera right from the livingroom TV?

    This reminds me of the old Zenith TVs with space phones where you could talk to a caller from the comfort of your sofa. (but voices usually sounded like it was underwater).

    I still have one of those

    justin bieber kisses. justin bieber kisses selena
  • justin bieber kisses selena

  • PlayballTim
    Jan 2, 12:54 PM
    I can't see Apple coping with carriers and competitors like Nokia, and Motorola, but CAN see Apple chasing the 100,000,000 user plus PTP phone market with a wifi phone. I've got a dozen other reasons, but it adds up to 1,200 words that can't fit here. But check out the rationale on my blog, CogentPassion (http://cogentpassion.blogspot.com/2007/01/its-gonna-be-wi-fiphone-apple-wi-fi.html):

    justin bieber kisses. Justin Bieber Kiss Selena
  • Justin Bieber Kiss Selena

  • puuukeey
    Sep 1, 02:43 PM
    if it gets bigger, does it get thinner?

    justin bieber kisses. justin bieber kisses boy.
  • justin bieber kisses boy.

  • rnelan7
    Nov 28, 09:00 AM
    Oh damn just looking at these make me really miss them. Dammit.

    Just listed my macbook air 11" on ebay, and picking up this UL20ft from the bay.

    12.1-inch 720p (1366x768) display with LED backlighting
    Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)
    Intel Core i3-330UM (1.20GHz)
    Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD integrated graphics
    2GB DDR3 RAM 1066MHz
    320GB 5400RPM hard drive
    802.11b/g/n wireless and Bluetooth
    6-cell Li-ion battery (4400mAh, 47Whr)
    Weight: 3.3 lbs
    Dimensions: 11.8 x 8.4 x 1 inches
    Price $450!!!

    Will be upgrading the ram to 4gb and the hdd to ssd with stuff I have laying around the house. Should make a great on the go computer alternative to the $1500 "ultimate" 11.6" air.

    http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4110/5214035919_fffb1d5fc0.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/heyjuliette/5214035919/)

    Well that MBA didn't last too long. How come you're bailing on it?

    justin bieber kisses. Justin Bieber and Jasmine
  • Justin Bieber and Jasmine

  • Chef Medeski
    Jan 1, 07:58 PM
    Pretty excited about this Stevenote.

    * iTV
    * Leopard
    * iLife '07

    The rumored stuff this year is all retarded. "Maybe we'll all get Apple phones!" And maybe I'll give a flying #$%^ at a rolling donut. I have a phone, and I spend approximately 3 minutes on it per month. My wife and I are thinking of going prepaid for this reason. The last thing I'm going to do is buy a danged smartphone.

    Gah. It's all silly.
    A phone is best used to make phone calls not for music. If you want to listen to music theres a nano... I dont like the idea of putting them together compromising each other.

    Phone Compromises:
    Worst reception or larger size due to the added multimedia.
    Buttons are geared towards music instead of calls and stuff that is useful for making calls.

    iPod Compromises:
    Shorter battery life than iPod
    No Line-out for superior audio quality.
    Worst navigation for selecting songs.

    I like a great phone and a great iPod. Not an alright phone and alright iPod in one place so I cant just carry one or the other.

    justin bieber kisses. Justin-ieber-kiss-and-tell-33
  • Justin-ieber-kiss-and-tell-33

  • miketcool
    Aug 16, 10:20 AM
    Can't believe they got rid of the click wheel though, although that rectangular thing would probably work the screen pretty well.

    I'm sure there might be a software hack that enables that.

    justin bieber kisses. justin bieber kisses selena
  • justin bieber kisses selena

  • popelife
    Jan 2, 06:48 AM
    Leopard for G3s, please.

    An iMac with an adjustable screen height, with dual C2D chips.

    Thereby adding $300 to the price...? Doesn't seem likely.

    Need four cores? Buy a Mac Pro.

    A Macbook with a proper keys on the board.

    Maybe I'm weird, but I really like the MB keyboard (I did some tests and found that I can touch-type significantly faster on the MB keyboard). The MBP keyboard looks old-fashioned and fussy by comparison, and the tactile feedback from those rounded-off edges isn't very good. So I really want the reverse - a cleaner-design MacBook Pro that uses something more like the MB keyboard.

    justin bieber kisses. lips on Justin Bieber
  • lips on Justin Bieber

  • segfaultdotorg
    Apr 19, 04:26 PM
    At this point it really doesn't make sense unless they're going to include a coupon for a free copy of OS X Lion.

    justin bieber kisses. Justin Bieber Kisses Selena
  • Justin Bieber Kisses Selena

  • dextertangocci
    Jul 14, 02:20 AM
    HD-DVD all the way.

    Why? It has worse specs than Blu-ray...

    justin bieber kisses. justin bieber kisses selena.
  • justin bieber kisses selena.

  • jent
    Apr 12, 11:13 PM
    Is there a video of the announcement available?

    justin bieber kisses. justin bieber kisses fan.
  • justin bieber kisses fan.

  • plokoonpma
    Apr 12, 09:59 PM
    This is a huge change! Dam.. on the sheet looks awesome. Will make editing in all environments more friendly and scalable.

    Jan 10, 03:53 PM
    Pretty fly zmmer with nice rims! Not tempted to squeeze 17/18s on? (Assuming it won't **** up the running gear/handling)

    Nope, I will only go with 16's max if I do. I do not want to add more unsprung/rotating weight. Besides, it would not look period correct. I like the look of some sidewall. DD comfort would also be too negatively impacted with less sidewall due to the M3 springs and Biltstein dampers. It also has a 2.93 Diff mated to a ZF M3 tranny, so it doesn't have the pickup and go for Auto X, so heavier wheels would just be terrible. A 3.4x-3.7x lsd will be on its way for racing duty.

    Mar 28, 09:55 AM
    Curious, where is that from?

    Here is a local thread:



    Jan 5, 04:03 PM
    I'm not a fan of the blue lights either (though I do like the LED lights on MBZ and Audi and the angel eyes on BMWs)

    I like the smoked tails because it just seems to flush and flow with the car.. the red lights were just too bright. The lights can be seen, they don't completely cover the light... the backup lights are 100% visible, and the break lights shine right through the overlays (even in complete day light)

    Some people though black out everything including the backup lights. There is this one person in my apartment complex that has his taillights all black and I couldn't see his backup lights and as I got up to his car, he started to back out. Luckily he saw me.

    Apr 19, 11:31 AM
    Finally! An iMac rumor!!!!

    desktops are slowly but surely dying out. Notebooks are becoming more and more powerful and even moreso portable so what will an iMac offer that MacBooks won't have? Larger screen?

    Aug 7, 05:02 AM
    To think you guys thought it was punishment to ship us here. I laugh.

    I already have one of each, though my MacBook does randomly shut down. But another G5, hmmmm, well i don't use my Quad with 4gb 1tb 7800 to its potential anyway.

    Once again the UK is redundant. Wait until we play England in the Ashes, omg, we are going to destroy you.

    Instead of shipping 'you guys' out there. I would of shipped myself over there and left 'you guys' here. Makes more sense! ;)

    About the extra G5 does it help my case if i say im considering a Mac Pro and any possible huge 40"+ screen they produce (if any).

    I dont follow cricket but I'll kick your ass at football! :D


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