selena gomez and justin bieber new years

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 11:22

selena gomez and justin bieber new years. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • slackpacker
    Mar 24, 02:32 PM
    i would love to buy an off the shelf gpu for half the price of a mac branded amd card. please let this be true then i will not sell my 2008 macpro

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. 31: Singers Selena Gomez
  • 31: Singers Selena Gomez

  • narfed
    Aug 16, 10:11 PM
    I may be talking out of my ass here, but my understanding is that Sirius works via satellites in geosynchronous orbit, which means they are way way up there, "locked in" above a specific spot on the ground (they zip around the Earth once every 24 hours, which keeps them above the equatorial spot that is also zipping around a full rotation in 24 hours). It would be physically impossible for a receiver on the "other" side of the world to see a satellite above central America. Maybe Sirius has several satellites, but still if they only officially serve the US market I can't see these venturing any further East/West than the US Atlantic and Pacific coasts (maybe a little out into the Pacific to serve Hawaii better). I seriously doubt that they'd have a satellite where someone in, say, Bombay could hook in.

    The other issue that comes up is angle of ascention. While it's a nice just-off-vertical and tilted south for the US customers, once you start moving east/west (or to the extreme north/south) you start making it a far more horizontal angle. Which means, living in an area without a clear horizon you will get poor results. Moreover, the smaller the angle of ascention, the more atmosphere the signal has to go through, causing connection issues.

    I could be wrong. Maybe Sirius foolishly wastes its money providing satellite service to the other half of the world just for the small market of folks who are adventurous enough to open a US account just to sign on. Or, maybe they market world-wide service as a key feature for traveling businessmen (possible, but that makes me even less likely to subscribe!) Doesn't seem likely though.

    He's talking about streaming over the Internet, not picking up a satellite signal.

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • Earendil
    Nov 27, 04:08 PM
    Same hear. I just find it interesting that you seem to be ignoring the fact that 1 year ago you were willing to pay an approximately $100 markup for SWOP certification, yet you find it completely reasonable for Apple to essentially be charging $300 for it today? I'm about the biggest fan of Apple of anyone but their prices are out of touch on their 20" displays.

    I still am failing to see a counter point.
    We both agree that Apple has a higher quality display, that id required by professionals. We both agree that the prices a year ago were a good price, and competative. Now you are making a claim that the competition has lowered their prices (linky?), and that this proves me wrong. I've already stated that my quick searching revealed no such compition in that price point half of what Apple's is, and have put the ball in your court to show me otherwise. Surely if you are making these claims you are aware of a product?

    It is not hard to find 20" LCD monitors that cost twice as much as Apple's (Check out NEC's site for example). So I'm failing to see an example of a similarly specced wide LCD to show me exactly how out of whack Apple is. All I hear is "too expensive!" and "100% more!!".
    Sure, I'd like them cheaper too, but I'm not going to scream foul without being able to back it up with something.

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. He said, “For New Year#39;s,
  • He said, “For New Year#39;s,

  • Rodimus Prime
    Feb 24, 01:07 AM
    Because it's more crude. The carbon is sapped out through a refining process, meaning all that crap sucked out of the earth still ends up somewhere it's not supposed to be -- meaning diesel is just as carbon neutral as gasoline.

    well you have to remember they use nearly ever part of the oil. It would get used for something else instead of diesel.

    Diesel over problem compared to Unlead is it has a much dirtier burning process and not much they can do to fix that problem. Unleaded advatage is the fuel and air are evenly mix when makes for a much cleaner burn. Diesel that can not be done.
    There are idea on how to mix the 2 techs were the air would be evenly mix like unleaded but inginited under compression. That would give a huge boost in return but the problem you run into is it is a very fine range that works and we can not make the timing and everything that dead on easily. Plus ramping up RPM is a lot harder.

    That is the problem with Diesel vs gas is people get wrap up in the MPG but forget that diesel engery per unit volume is much greater. Diesel biggest boost comes from how we ingited it.

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. + Justin Bieber and Selena
  • + Justin Bieber and Selena

  • MacSA
    Oct 24, 04:01 AM
    No the E207WFP 20 is 1650x1050.

    I advocate the 2007FP 20 1600x1200 for only $359.20 ( That extra 150 verticle pixels is very helpful.

    Dell really are fleecing their none US customers:

    20" 2007FP: �311
    24" 2407WFP: �566
    20" 2007WFP: �401
    30" 3007WFP: �1,365

    People here are always raving about Dells low prices here, but I really dont think they're that cheap at all (in the UK) - unless you buy something with very old hardware that is.

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. Millions of 16 year old Bieber
  • Millions of 16 year old Bieber

  • zap2
    Apr 19, 11:49 AM
    Awesome. :)

    And please, dear God, let there be new Minis - I've been checking MacRumors multiple times per day lately hoping for any Mini rumors.

    Seriously, if I were to upgrade my current Mini(which is from early 2006) with a new CPU, I wouldn't be that far behind the current Mini is CPU performance(of course the GPU would still smoke mine.

    Thats not a common event in Apple's line up. Although it speaks nicely about Intel supporting sockets for a decent amount of time.

    But thunderbolt, sandy bridge and the new design(which makes some stuff easier, some harder for me when it comes to upgrade, but looks so sexy!) make an upgrade to the new Mini a no brainer for me. Heck even the CPU will be a great step up from the Intel GMA 950!

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • macgeek18
    Feb 23, 11:25 AM
    Handbrake comes VERY close to destroying my Macbook ha ha, the CPU goes up close to 90 degrees celsius! Terrifying!
    When I'm using Handbrake I have it going for 6 plus hours straight. So I just turn turn on Caffine, max my fans out at 6200 RPM with keeps it at a steady 70 degrees. :)

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. justinbieber selenagomez
  • justinbieber selenagomez

  • viperguy
    Aug 29, 01:55 PM
    The discussion in thinksecret is so fun at the moment, you can't even imagine how.
    Basically everyone was talkin about it's video card, how it should be upgraded and things like that
    But then these messages came into topic

    I think the Mac mini has a future as long as they can get a better video output and a DVR.

    It'd be great if they added a nuclear reactor.

    Will it include a pony?

    Coments? Mine: LOL

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez - One Less Lonely Girl - New Years 2010 Times Square One Less Lonely Girl lyrics- Justin Bieber with Selena Gomez New Years
  • Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez - One Less Lonely Girl - New Years 2010 Times Square One Less Lonely Girl lyrics- Justin Bieber with Selena Gomez New Years

  • mautal
    Oct 24, 02:35 AM
    Because all the current Apple rebates and promotions in the USA (and I believe a few other places) are good only on purchases made on or before 10/24 (tuesday). 10/25 obviously places the release after that date... It also coincides better with the Apple London Expo and the Adobe Event in Vegas.

    I guess we'll find out shortly, eh?

    they have another promo that runs from 10/17 - 1/22/07... i sure hope they dont wait for this to expire... although that is right around MWSF
    shortly it is... only 9 more hours

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • G4DP
    May 2, 05:12 PM
    V-Tech OS anyone?

    Shake it till it wobbles children.

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. new justin bieber and year
  • new justin bieber and year

  • Flowbee
    Sep 6, 08:05 PM
    still think the prices are a little steep for things that can be watched on an ipod. Sure you can use the output from the dock to play it on your tv, but if you have a slightly big tv, it doesn't look DVD quality.

    You don't need the dock, you can just use a cable (

    I have to believe that movie downloads will be higher quality than the current TV shows.

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. why did the -year-old Did
  • why did the -year-old Did

  • chutch15
    Sep 20, 07:48 AM
    ah, thanks clarifying that. it was kind of hard to tell from some of the pictures. their website said something about "direct access". is it hard to get to the buttons? especially the sleep button?

    There is direct access (i.e. no flaps, etc.) to the charging port, headphone jack and speaker (all on the bottom of the device). The buttons are all covered. Love this case.

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • imnotatfault
    Aug 19, 07:50 AM
    PSP interface is so cumbersome, though. Just have a laptop.

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • ScubaDuc
    Aug 27, 04:50 PM
    A better question is: when does the LCD OR the computer die, especially in the case of Macs? I would say never...

    Sorry to disappoint you but even Apple screens do die....My Apple LCD did about a month before Applecare expired. They lost it and I had to wait 7 weeks for a replacement. Mind u, it did die so beautifully...a few flickers and then there was peace :rolleyes:

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. justin bieber selena
  • justin bieber selena

  • Baseline
    Nov 15, 08:41 AM
    seriously though, how hard is it to get a program to multi-thread? (if thats the right term; being a complete programming novice, i've no idea)

    That really depends on the program, on how "parallelizable" the application is.

    The simplest way to think of it is like this: Let's say you have a program that first has to calculate A. Then, when it's done that, it uses the result of A to calculate B. Then, when it's done that, uses the result of B to calculate C, then C to D, and so on. That's a *serial* problem there. The calculation of B can't begin until A is done, so it doesn't matter how many processors you have running, all computation is held up on one spot.

    On the other hand, let's say you have an application that needs to calculate A, B, C and D, but those four values are not dependent on each other at all. In that case, you can use four processors at the same time, to calculate all four values at the same time.

    Think of it like baking a cake. You can't start putting on the icing until the cake is done baking. And you can't start baking the cake until the ingredients are all mixed together. But you can have people simultaneously getting out and measuring the ingredients.

    So that problem is partially parallelizable, but the majority of its workload is a serial process.

    Some software applications, just by their very nature, will never be able to do anything useful with multiple processors.

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. selena gomez and justin bieber new years. Selena Gomez Snapped Getting a; Selena Gomez Snapped Getting a. Chris Bangle. Aug 11, 11:36 AM. I agree with that
  • selena gomez and justin bieber new years. Selena Gomez Snapped Getting a; Selena Gomez Snapped Getting a. Chris Bangle. Aug 11, 11:36 AM. I agree with that

  • Mattsasa
    Apr 2, 08:06 PM
    While you may think your sarcasm-laden post witty, the fact remains that you have not stated any kind of revelation.

    They do not care about ONE consumer...but they certainly are going to care about the thousands of units that are being returned and exchanged in hopes of finding one good unit.

    I would tell you to review the iPad forum but I have a feeling that message would be lost on somebody so insistent on keeping their head in the sand.

    thousands of ipads being returned?! source?
    what really happened is about 5-10 people unfortunately got a defective unit, then freaked out, and called all the news sites around, so they can tell the world how mad they were about there product, that they surly got a free replacement model.

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. Selena Gomez dating Justin
  • Selena Gomez dating Justin

  • quadgirl
    Sep 1, 01:23 PM
    Is there really a big market for a 23" iMac @ 2000? I hope this rumor is bogus. I'd much rather see Apple come out with a headless Gaming mid-tower with a Core 2 Duo Extreme and X1600 card. Dual HD bays and one optical bay. AP/BT built in. 3 PCIe slots (one used by X1600). I think that would would fill a gap Apple has in their consumer line-up right now.

    A Headless Conroe would be awesome. Easily expandable and fast. But, will Apple do it? Pigs may fly. The Mac Pro is great, but most people simply can't afford one and don't need 4 processors.

    Come on Apple, bridge the gap!

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. Selena Gomez has crush on
  • Selena Gomez has crush on

  • Tonsko
    Jan 7, 05:13 AM
    Not too bad, if it's a modern one. Depends if he rags it all the time, but you'll get 35+ out of it I imagine.

    selena gomez and justin bieber new years. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

  • lordonuthin
    Mar 24, 05:05 PM
    I will work on consolidation

    I decided I don't need to right now so it's back to bigadv units now.

    Jan 12, 12:07 PM
    are you kidding me?

    Macbook Air?


    There's no way Apple would ever call something that.

    You've pretty much guaranteed that MacBook air is the name.

    Any time someone says "there's no way Apple would ever call it <insert widely rumored name here>," Apple promptly named it as such.

    It goes by a variant on the same rule which guarantees anything suggested by MOSR will never come true.

    Jun 22, 05:57 PM
    Ah yes. A porn free, tightly censored, code controlled desktop machine. That's what everyone wants right? :rolleyes:

    Aug 7, 05:13 AM
    Last time we played we beat you 3-0 in England im pretty sure.

    We should have won the bloody world cup.

    We dominated against Italy until Grosso dived and got the most dodgy penalty in history, then we would have smashed ukraine in the quarters, then we would have been in the semi's against Germany, then anythign could have happened. Lets just say FIFA didnt want us to win, because its the one sport we 'aren't meant to dominate'. So the ref played it that way.

    People should have learned not to count out an Aussie. Our spirit means we have the best in every field from sport to soldiers.

    We would kick ur ass
    Hahah bloody arrogant Australian.


    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 4, 02:27 PM
    In many ways, it's shameful today that we think that 60 or even 70mpg is somehow remarkable for a family car. :(

    It certainly could be significantly higher. Public taste, laziness on the part of manufacturers and other things have all conspired to keep the bar set low on fuel economy.

    In the US, there's one key reason why small cars don't sell (above and beyond the reasons I already listed), and that is that popular wisdom holds that you will die in a small car when someone in a large SUV or truck hits you. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy as people buy big cars because they don't feel safe in small ones, with the result that they become part of the "problem". Ultimately it's down to selfishness. Apparently people would rather kill someone else in an accident than risk being killed themselves.

    It's idiotic, but this "wisdom" will only be unlearned slowly. Smaller cars are much safer now then they once were - safer than trucks and SUVs.

    By way of a postscript, it's worth pointing out that today's safety and environmental regulations make it more difficult to make a car frugal, small and light than it was when Alec Issigonis designed the Mini. Also, aluminum construction (in smaller production cars such as the A2) remains nearly as rare and expensive as it was in the 50s.

    But not the brand image... that could perhaps be the biggest stumbling block of all, it certainly is in Europe anyway.

    True, and that's a shame, because brand image often matters than a car's actual merits. If the new Jetta is a turd, people will still buy it because the VW badge has cachet here that GM does not, at least in the realm of small cars.

    I'm not going to stand up too much for GM, I've never held a high opinion of most of their products, but I have reasonably read good reviews of the Cruze and I hope they bring the diesel here.

    Have to say my preference is for saloons... occasionally an estate (particularly A4 & A6 allroads, also 159 Sportwagons, that sort of thing), hatches (the bigger ones anyway) & estates can/tend to be a little boomy in my experience. Saloons also often have better body rigidity too.

    The sedan body is the default in the US. Hatches and wagons are much rarer and therefore more interesting. In Europe it's really the other way around. When you're talking about mid-size or larger cars, sedans do generally have better proportions in my opinion (with a few exceptions - I like 5-Series wagon, and the 1990s Subaru Legacy wagon). Hatches look good on small cars though. The Focus, for example, looked stupid as a sedan but great as a hatch.

    I do agree with you about the noise though - my Forester's rear suspension is sometimes very audible in the cabin, especially with the seats down. A few years before I bought my Forester, I used to mock it as the ugliest thing on the road, but I've gotten used to it and while it's never going to be attractive it does have a certain pleasing purposefulness in its proportions. Even though a lesbian couple I know call it my lesbian wagon. :rolleyes::D

    Sep 22, 08:17 AM
    I went to a few BB and FINALLY found a normal color. It's dark purple. :rolleyes:

    2G/3G vs. 4G Belkin Grip Vue

    The microphone is clearly visible, compared to the silicone case.

    Other Belkin 4G case (taken with the iPod Touch):

    I just ordered this Night Sky Grip Vue from the Best buy website for local pickup. Looks pretty nice. I liked the look of the case, but hated the two colors my local BB has... the baby blue, and pink.

    Up till now I've been using the 99 cent Hong Kong cases, and they work pretty well, but are lint magnets, and fall off sometimes when you stick them in or pull them out of your jean pockets.

    Thanks for posting those pictures. It helped me make up my mind.


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