justin bieber water balloon fight

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 13:53

justin bieber water balloon fight. justin bieber water fight.
  • justin bieber water fight.

  • twoodcc
    Mar 4, 11:49 PM

    I see some new folks putting up some points, designed, DistortedLoop, and MAcProCPO is back at it again, thanks for the effort to those and other newbies!

    I had a problem with the MacPro after I upgraded to a 3 SSD raid for booting ... I forgot to set the machine to NOT go to sleep, DUH! I could not figure out why it was timing out of folding every so often with the remote Linux boards that I'm ssh'd into from the Mac. NOW that I have that figured out my points will pick up again. It was still impressive just running the 6 GPU's and 2 win clients at about 50k per day!

    yeah i'm glad to see some new names!

    glad you got your Mac Pro back up and going again. i won't be back up full throttle until early april though

    also, i did end up getting another machine with an i7 920 in it with a GTX260. i've been messing around with overclocking it, and i'm pulling around 28-30K PPD with just the one machine - 1 GPU cliend and 1 bigadv client running inside a VM.

    justin bieber water balloon fight. ieber+water+alloon+fight
  • ieber+water+alloon+fight

  • EJR
    Sep 22, 11:55 AM
    It's just released and is cheaper by $6.00 for whatever reason

    Retail Price: $19.99 X
    Your Savings: $6.00
    Your Price: $13.99 :eek:


    If you don't mind the yellow, that's a really good deal if you need a holdover case. Just keep in mind that later on this week Incipio will be releasing their feather case for 19.99, with the silicylic coming out sometime next week for five bucks more. Just a thought.

    justin bieber water balloon fight. ieber+water+alloon+fight
  • ieber+water+alloon+fight

  • zync
    Aug 6, 10:41 PM
    100,00 users!
    Yikes! I wonder how many this year....
    I bet it's 500,000+

    Arn has a LOT of bandwidth.
    I bet he could walk thorough his internet connection without bumping his head.
    March a whole army thorough there. Three abreast.

    *goose step*
    *goose step*
    *goose step*
    *goose step*
    *goose step*
    *goose step*

    I don't know if anyone has said it yet, but it's because he has a team of messengers on horses that are able to run through the tubes :D

    justin bieber water balloon fight. ieber+water+alloon+fight
  • ieber+water+alloon+fight

  • JoeG4
    Feb 27, 04:24 PM
    Yeeup sounds about right.

    Digging that Mac Pro though! :D

    justin bieber water balloon fight. For Justin Bieber#39;s Water
  • For Justin Bieber#39;s Water

  • Tmelon
    Apr 6, 09:58 PM
    I've also noticed that Spotlight has been pretty screwed up. First off it's been indexing every other day which is unnecessary, and while it's indexing it will say ridiculous things like "35 hours remaining" with it finishing soon after.

    I think they mean minutes. :rolleyes:

    justin bieber water balloon fight. ieber+water+alloon+fight
  • ieber+water+alloon+fight

  • iBorg20181
    Oct 24, 12:47 AM
    Awesome, this means there will be further Macbook and Macbook Pro updates on April 24th (a Tuesday). I'm guessing that will be too early for Santa Rosa w/ Robsin caching technology. But, I bet there will be speed increases, graphics and hd increases.

    I'd love to see a new design, but I'll be happy with:
    1. C2D 2.33GHz
    2. bigger HD, with easy-swap HD bay
    3. heat problems, "mooing," and random-shutdowns solved

    Anything else will be icing on the cake!



    justin bieber water balloon fight. justin bieber water balloon
  • justin bieber water balloon

  • nospeed411
    Feb 18, 04:41 PM
    I want that poster!!! Where did you get it?

    justin bieber water balloon fight. justin bieber water balloon
  • justin bieber water balloon

  • war
    Nov 28, 11:49 AM
    For all those people talking about XBox let's not forget one major thing about it. It took off because of Halo. What you may not know is that Halo was originally a mac game from a mac developer that MS bought in 2000. Read up on it to tell your MS fanboi friends here.


    Without Apple gaming there probably would be no XBox today.


    justin bieber water balloon fight. justin bieber water balloon
  • justin bieber water balloon

  • Evangelion
    Jul 14, 05:37 AM
    It would be nice - in theory - to have a hyper-fast wireless connection; however, what does it matter if my outside line stays at 2M/512k speed?

    Because those speeds go up? And because you are not always accessing the outside?

    justin bieber water balloon fight. Justin Bieber Hit In The Head
  • Justin Bieber Hit In The Head

  • treichert
    Apr 13, 04:05 AM
    I read about the new iCal before updating, and actually saved the old iCal from DP1 and copied it over after updating to DP2. It worked just fine, though it's interesting to note that the 'ugly' DP2 version was much smaller in size than the original DP1 version. DP1 iCal was over 40mb, while the new & ugly iCal was only around 13mb.

    Oh well, I still happily sacrificed the extra space for a more usable interface.

    How exactly was it more usable?

    The only thing that changed is the color, the layout is exactly the same.

    justin bieber water balloon fight. SouthPark Justin Bieber
  • SouthPark Justin Bieber

    Nov 15, 11:39 PM
    Toyota fixes all vehicles because they all have the potential to have dangerous problems.

    Most iPhone owners have no problem whatsoever, and there's no danger at all to anyone.

    So Toyota HAS to fix them all. It would be pointless for Apple to fix all iPhones in the field when most of them never have an issue needing a fix. But if you do have a problem, let them know and they will fix it for you for free. That's hardly a burden for such a non-dangerous situation.

    We live in this ridiculous era of expectations. Apple comes out with a reasonable solution to a problem that affects a tiny percentage of users, and they get slammed for it. Hypocrisy.

    This isn't necessarily directed at you, but to all of you comparing Apple/Phone manufacturer to Toyota/Car manufacturer.

    So the deal with the "SAFETY" recall of the sticking accelerator, the way it works in the auto industry, generally they catch these things in testing "ON TRACK", but this was one that slipped thru the tracks, just the same as software issues Apple had with iOS4.0 and 4.1 on the older iPhones. So the customers experienced the problem, and it was reported. Toyota(the same as all other greedy, self righteous companies out there, deny everything), then had to create a software fix for the problem in the computer of the car. They then mail out letter's to everyone, because this is a safety issue. You can bring your vehicle in, if you feel safe, and if not, they will tow it at cost to warranty.

    Now there are also other things that are problems with cars, and are reported by many consumers, but it isn't classified as a recall, because it is not a safety recall. Take the Chrysler 2.7 engine. It was unfortunate, because it was a good engine, but they had a flaw. The cylinder heads over time got oil buildup from the scorched oil around the overhead valvetrain. It was caused by the heads having a flaw in design that caused them to get hot spots and scorching the oil. So it was noted to Chrysler, and they decided if the engine had this problem and the owner kept sufficient evidence of oil changes, and it was within a certain mileage. They never sent this information out to anyone, and most don't know of this replacement, but the dealers know about it, and the company knows about it as well, and they will pay to replace it under certain circumstances, so long as you do your studying, and find what you can on this engine. As I said this is not safety related, and doesn't apply to everyone, so they don't let everyone know, or don't replace everyone's engine.

    justin bieber water balloon fight. justin bieber water balloon
  • justin bieber water balloon

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 1, 07:41 PM
    in germany though it means you are banned from the left lane if it takes you so long to hit 200 ;)

    Apparently the diesel Cruze tops out at 210 km/h (130ish mph); I'm somewhat surprised it goes that fast, though it has decent power and torque. My 1999 Nissan Altima manual was governed to 120mph, and although I did hit 120 in it once (:o), it had over 1500rpms left before redline, so it could probably have hit 130mph or more.

    justin bieber water balloon fight. Justin Bieber Almost Busted
  • Justin Bieber Almost Busted

  • chille
    Apr 5, 12:24 PM
    In DP2, it seems that after using it for a while it uses significally more RAM than DP1. It even seems to that point where animations get laggy, like expanding folders e.g.

    I discovered that the wibdow server process used over 400 mbs of RAM, but after shutting down the process and it had started up again it used about 20, which it usually does.

    Also, BetterTouchTools seem to be working a lot less with DP2 compared to 1 for me. Every now and then my custom multi touch commands stop working, and the BTT needs to restart to function again. This is especially frustrating since in DP2 the LaunchPad is an independent .app, and I have assigned it to thre finger click, and removed most apps from the dock in an attempt som streamline my work flow.

    All together I just love Lion, and there's no going back to SL! :)

    justin bieber water balloon fight. have a water balloon fight
  • have a water balloon fight

  • Travis Bickle
    Mar 24, 01:34 PM
    Probably a daft question but i'll ask anyhows so forgive my techie noobness!

    With the advent of thunderbolt and its high bandwidth, will it possible for a gfx card to be sited externally in some kind of cradle and be used as the main gfx card or wouldn't the internal "plumbing" allow it to happen ?

    /noob mode off


    justin bieber water balloon fight. justin bieber water balloon fight. Black+man+water+alloon; Black+man+water+alloon. gnasher729. Aug 29, 04:47 PM. IF TRUE - Just In Time Invintory Management
  • justin bieber water balloon fight. Black+man+water+alloon; Black+man+water+alloon. gnasher729. Aug 29, 04:47 PM. IF TRUE - Just In Time Invintory Management

  • budman1961
    Nov 27, 07:06 AM
    What do you think of this drive?

    I have that drive in my mid-2010 MBP 15" 2.66, and I am impressed. 50 second cold boot to Outlook full load. App opening is fast, reopening the same app is almost instantaneous. You will take a slight hit in battery, I think less than 1/2 hour or so, but it was well worth it for me.

    Avoid the temptation to restore from a backup (documents only), take the time to reinstall each app, and you will be delighted. I had plenty of time, and did it both ways, restore from time machine, and later app by app. If you have the time, app by app is much better, plus you can really look at what you have installed over time, and purge what you no longer use.

    Well worth the $$! :D

    justin bieber water balloon fight. justin bieber water balloon
  • justin bieber water balloon

  • Machead III
    Sep 7, 12:33 PM
    Funny, that's what I thought reading your original post.
    Cearly "education" didn't serve you as you started the communism argument.
    Please, enlghten me, off forum, so I may better understand.
    Considering your locations (UK and France) I'm not surprised.

    I'm not interested in talking to bigots.

    justin bieber water balloon fight. During Justin Bieber#39;s
  • During Justin Bieber#39;s

  • Veg
    Feb 28, 04:19 PM
    What's it made out of? And I presume there's a third leg holding the back of the iMac foot up? Otherwise I'd be rather concerned about it falling out of balance during an intense typing session :o

    You know what this forum needs? The ability to tag items in photos, sort of like how you tag people in FaceBook.

    And I hate FaceBook.

    We constructed it out of aluminum, it's the perfect material and looks great. Correct, it has a foot extending from the back that just barely stretches pass end of the stand.

    Ha agreed.

    justin bieber water balloon fight. Lucky Justin Bieber is
  • Lucky Justin Bieber is

  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Jul 13, 11:42 PM
    Meh, Apple came out with that Express Card slot for the MacBook Pro kind of early as well...but I'm with most people in arguing that a blue-ray drive won't see the light of day in Apple computers until early 2007.

    justin bieber water balloon fight. Justin Bieber can pretty much
  • Justin Bieber can pretty much

  • MacSA
    Aug 31, 02:38 PM
    The first mac to even come with the option of a superdrive (meaning writes DVDs) was the PowerMac G4 that came out January 2001. In 1996, Macs didn't even come with CD-R drives.

    Well......you know what I mean ;)

    Feb 22, 07:50 PM
    A bit off-topic, but why haven't car manufacturers created hybrid cars that use a diesel engine + battery? There are lots of petrol-electric hybrids, but not diesel. :confused:

    Sep 1, 12:02 PM
    I think this rumor should be taken with a grain of salt. It seems highly unlikely a 23 inch imac would emerge (or even should emerge). ;)

    I couldn't disagree with you more.

    This size represents the iMac that can display Full resolution 1080p HD content. If they introduce this and then eventually throw a Blu-ray in there they've got the killer combination. Front Row is already setup to be a home-theatre replacement. I mean come on, it's basically an HDTV...it's 1080p, it's got a remote, and it's got front row... This will sell like crack... Digital crack...

    Feb 23, 02:41 PM
    Fantastic setup, would love to get those speakers, I'm in the UK also, what make/model of speakers ?

    Elegant setup. What speaker is that?
    Stop being lazy and click the Flickr link he posted and you'll find out. :p

    Jan 11, 09:11 PM
    i highly highly doubt they are calling it the "macbook air." that's borderline laughable. i am willing to bet the phase "there's something in the air" is referring to the soon to be announced rental service, not a piece of hardware. apple is making an obvious attempt to eliminate physical mediums altogether, first cds with mp3s and now dvds with downloadable vids (both via the itunes music store). everything will be available "in the air" or "up in the cloud," if you will. i'll be damned if they name their next product the "macbook air." c'mon people...
    Aperture 2.0 via iTunes... or maybe it just reefers to iPhone/iPod Touch apps.

    Or maybe it referes to a notebook that doesnt have a replaceable battery, though the new macbooks will be used as frisbees.

    Nov 21, 01:14 PM
    Mainstream? I doubt any 8+ core users will be mainstream outside of commercial use.

    Just like everything, 8 cores will become main stream sooner rather than later. If the PS3 gets popular then 7-core will be very mainstream soon enough.

    As programs get more and more multithreaded the speed increases from multiple cores will get bigger and bigger. Even if you think about a browser. The browser can itself have multiple threads, for different tabs, the display area, downloading new pages, downloading in the back ground. Then think about java, flash, pdf's in browser and all this web 2.0 stuff. They can all run in separate threads. I know none of these are particularly processor intensive (yet...) but you can see where there could be a use for multi processor in the future.

    In less than ten years i can see us with MMP computers, Massively multi-processor.


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