justin bieber hat on

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 10:45

justin bieber hat on. 10/24/2009 – Justin Bieber
  • 10/24/2009 – Justin Bieber

  • Clive At Five
    Nov 28, 10:37 AM
    Microsoft lost billions on the Xbox and likely to lose hundreds of millions on their Zune attempt. iPod sales have been profitable for Apple since their introduction. How one measures success in this industry can't always be marketshare.

    Yes, the XBox was sold at a loss, but now they are a powerful and permanent player in the multi-billion-dollar gaming console industry. They'll make back their billions by the time "XBox 2πr" comes out.

    The Zune is a different story:

    [Zune] will have to win on features and integration -- so they are pretty much doomed. They have essentially bet the whole farm on the wireless exchange.

    Nail on head, my friend. Nail on head.

    See ya later, Zune.


    justin bieber hat on. signed justin bieber hat
  • signed justin bieber hat

  • toddybody
    Mar 24, 01:12 PM
    next step amd cpus

    *Children Screaming in background

    Im no snob against AMD GPUS...but their CPU's are nearly 2 generations behind intel. I dont think Bulldozer is going to match the 1155 SB, much less the upcoming 2011 socket chips.

    What I want to see is a 27inch iMac with an HD 6970 2GB...Whoa whoa wee wow:eek:

    justin bieber hat on. Justin Bieber#39;s Hats: Various
  • Justin Bieber#39;s Hats: Various

  • BlizzardBomb
    Sep 1, 12:15 PM
    Oh, I think disposing of the chin would be desirable and might be possible.

    Getting rid of the chin would require an external power supply like the ACDs unless you want a power supply sized blank space on the screen :p

    justin bieber hat on. justin bieber hat.
  • justin bieber hat.

  • SciFrog
    Mar 23, 08:11 AM
    33 mins per frame with the iMac i7? That seems awfully fast. 25k PPD. That looks like the time of a 3Ghz 8 core previous generation Mac Pro.

    justin bieber hat on. a ball cap may be more
  • a ball cap may be more

  • celebrian23
    Jul 20, 11:17 AM
    With NF you get three movies at a time, and you can get plans with more. It does require a little planning, but right now, the quantity of content you can get in a month for the price can't be beat. If you think it's so stupid, what do you propose as the smarter alternative?

    For iTMS to beat it, it would have to match netflix's pricing as well, which would be $1 or less per rental. I don't see that happening. They'd also have to have better quality and include all DVD extras with all movies.

    Until then, I'll happily stick with netflix.

    I don't use netflix, but I think it's a great thing and itms isn't going to be able to overtake it. I'd take netflix over any computer movie rental service anyday

    justin bieber hat on. Justin Bieber Got His Hat Back
  • Justin Bieber Got His Hat Back

  • babyj
    Nov 30, 12:46 PM
    The quoted price is $299 which nominally translates to £157 + Apple stiff a brit tax + Government screw yer countryman tax.
    I'm expecting £199.

    If you think the iTV will do everything that a media centre pc circa(£800) does then i want to know what you are smoking?

    It'll be a highly focused 1st release ie, everything in the Sept presentation + RSS feeds rebranded as clever channels, delivering usual junk off YouTube and Google video.

    Games, ichat, online imovie editing, they'll be in patch releases, when you buy iTV 2 or never, cos Steve thinks those things suck ass on a TV.

    I'm not expecting iTV to do everything a Media Centre PC does, but it needs to be able to do what the Xbox 360 can when connected to a PC running Media Centre. Whether that means it has to connect to a Mac or do it stand alone doesn't matter, but it needs to compete with the Microsoft solution.

    If you've got an old PC (or you buy a cheap 2nd hand PC) you can run Media Centre on then it only costs £80 for Media Centre, £200 for an Xbox and £50 for a TV card.

    I'd of already gone with Microsoft but I want to be able to download video on to my iPod - the different video formats make that a pain in the arse at the moment.

    justin bieber hat on. LITTLE PUNK#39;D: Singer Justin
  • LITTLE PUNK#39;D: Singer Justin

  • (marc)
    Mar 18, 07:35 AM
    You know it. I would even go so far as to say it's ridiculous! :rolleyes:

    In full disclosure, I've had a borderline man-crush on Obama since he announced he was running for POTUS... but when I heard about this UN resolution, my heart just sank. Eight years of Bush "forcefully spreading the gospel of democracy 'round the world" idiocy and we appear to have learned nothing. Nothing. :(

    Would you rather have the Libyan people (who have called for help!) slaughtered by Gaddafi?

    justin bieber hat on. ieber hat. Justin Bieber
  • ieber hat. Justin Bieber

  • Baseline
    Nov 15, 12:16 PM
    This is true, but there are still many many ways to optimize the multi-core processor that's not currently being use.

    For example, I am waiting for a program to compile right now. Although I have a dual core on my computer, the compiler only compile one file at a time and usually takes about 10 min to do a full compile . If I have an 8 core computer with a multi-threaded compiler then I can cut the total time to jsut over a min + couple of seconds for linking time.

    You know that if you have multiple processors, you can tell the build process to use them all, ie. compile multiple files at the same time!

    I have a dual-core iMac, and if I do 'make -j3', it will use both processors. If you have a quad processor, do 'make -j5'.

    Really though, this is just an example of what I was already talking about, namely doing tasks A,B,C and D, where A,B,C and D have no dependence on each other.

    justin bieber hat on. Justin Bieber MLB C-Dub Hat by
  • Justin Bieber MLB C-Dub Hat by

  • firestarter
    Mar 19, 12:00 PM
    Editorials, they're like *******s. :D

    Many on the right and some on the left here have been all over him for dragging his feet. Murdoch's NY rag said Hillary was the only one who wanted to take military action and it took her 3 weeks to gather enough administration support. Then again, who the hell knows?

    Absolutely. Bloody politicians... where's Wikileaks when you need it! :D

    justin bieber hat on. justin bieber hat size.
  • justin bieber hat size.

  • pumpkinwhite
    Mar 25, 05:12 PM
    So why does iPad 2 output movies in 720p if it can output the game with 1080p native resolution? I thought it could output 1080p only when mirroring it's own screen (which is actually upscaled from '768p').

    If apps can output 1080p, I am sure video playback apps will be released which can output 1080p movies in native resolution. Of course, I am not sure if the iPad will be able to play such content. I recently tried to play a 720p movie in the VLC app on the iPad 2 and it couldn't play it. Perhaps the bit rate was too high for it to handle.

    justin bieber hat on. purple justin bieber hat.
  • purple justin bieber hat.

  • MacSA
    Aug 29, 09:09 AM
    Same thing with the Macbook, I'd rather see a $999 Macbook with the current chips than a $1,099 Macbook that keeps up with the Macbook Pro's chips.

    HP have $800 laptops with Core 2 Duo though....

    justin bieber hat on. justin bieber hats,What kind
  • justin bieber hats,What kind

  • Bevz
    Mar 25, 04:09 PM
    This is exactly the kind of stuff I hoped they'd be doing with the TV output :)
    One of the many reasons I bought an iPad 2... Which hopefully I'm picking up on Monday :) it's gonna be a good summer :)

    justin bieber hat on. Wear Your Love For Justin
  • Wear Your Love For Justin

  • TangoCharlie
    Sep 1, 11:59 AM
    Wow. That would be great news. I'd think about one of those instead of a mac pro.... please make it have fw800. Then I really would take it over a pro.
    That's exactly why Apple differentiates its product lines. They want you to fork out for a Pro :)
    Equally, they DON'T want you to buy a Dell..... which is why I think they will introduce a "desktop" Mac.... But hey, it might not come with FW800 :(

    justin bieber hat on. justin bieber new york yankees
  • justin bieber new york yankees

  • xi mezmerize ix
    Mar 1, 09:54 AM
    Here is the College setup, I will eventually upgrade to the Logitech Performance wireless mouse. What is seen in the picture:

    27" iMac
    11.6" Macbook Air
    Blackberry Tour
    PS3 Slim
    Xbox 360 Slim

    Picture taken with iPhone 4

    Through the door seen is my bathroom and right behind me is my bed and closets. Pretty cozy room but I think I have positioned everything to make the best of it.

    EDIT: I just hooked my iMac up to my tv to play movies/shows etc. on but I ran into one problem. I cannot turn my iMac display off and keep my tv on. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know asap!

    Damn you must be rich if you got all of that at your college.

    justin bieber hat on. Remember Justin Bieber
  • Remember Justin Bieber

  • Cygnus311
    Apr 19, 09:02 PM
    The GPU alone in this revision will determine whether I'm buying an iMac or building a PC. If the GPU is even close to competitive in the gaming dept. for a little while, then I'm in.

    justin bieber hat on. Justin Bieber hat?
  • Justin Bieber hat?

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 29, 09:24 AM
    Since we don't know the prices yet, my suggestion is that we don't touch the "jump to conclusions mat" just yet.

    My take on this is that it's a great update! The performance of the base-model is more than doubled when you really think about it! Bring on the updates!

    Most benchmarks show the difference between the 1.5 Ghz Solo and 1.66 Ghz Duo to be about 15% for single-core apps (games) and about 30% for dual-core aware apps. So not really more than 100% more performance.

    justin bieber hat on. Justin Bieber singer hat paris
  • Justin Bieber singer hat paris

  • GSPice
    Apr 19, 11:24 AM
    Brian Tong also claims to have dated women and have friends...both statements are so obviously contradicted by his horrible fashion sense and self destructive tendency to embarrass himself with every spoken word. He looks like a Shaolin Monk merged with Amy Winehouse.

    I am considering making this my signature.

    justin bieber hat on. I wanna wear Justin Bieber
  • I wanna wear Justin Bieber

  • wmmk
    Jul 13, 11:08 PM
    I bet it will be BTO when it is introduced at WWDC.
    I'd think the option would come a bit later. I mean, who wants an optical drive that can currently play nothing and burn to nothing which will cost them $500-$1000 on a machine that is already very pricey.

    justin bieber hat on. Justin Bieber overrated?
  • Justin Bieber overrated?

  • Nero Wolfe
    Apr 3, 12:29 PM
    One thing that's been frustrating me since DP1 is that when you minimize a window into its app icon it's sort of in limbo. Mission Control won't show it, nor does app expose (at least in some apps). Swipe-up on the dock icon (is this app-expose?) does sometimes, but it's mingled with recent files. Add that to the indicator lights being gone and I could have an open app with 20 minimized windows and totally forget about it.

    It's not a huge deal, I suppose, but it makes the window management seem broken. I'd hate to go back to using the old-style minimize to the right side of the dock. I never liked that because it mixed those windows with stacks and got messy, plus it stretched and shrank my already-full dock.

    Anyway, anyone else bugged by this? Am i missing something? Expose is the single most important thing to me in OS X; I rely on it to greatly speed my workflow. I like mission Control but this needs to be addressed. And, yes I filed a bug report for each DP release on this.

    Aug 25, 10:43 AM
    Exactly so. For everyone's reference, here's a current Intel price chart (per CPU in lots of 1000): http://spamreaper.org/frankie/macintel.html

    It makes certain options quite clear. For example:

    Jul 19, 04:46 PM
    I fully believe the lower desktop numbers are due to people waiting for the Intel-based desktops. The wonderful thing about Macs are that they aren't always in need of updating, so it's not a problem to wait until they are released.

    Expect a huge increase in desktop sales the next quarter or two (if indeed the Mac Pro with Intel line appears next month).

    Dec 2, 08:01 PM
    I'm not trying to bash the Zune, but I don't think Microsoft is going to be able to hurt Apple's Market share, it's too late in the market. With Apple having 75% of the market share of the MP3 music players with no sign of it droping.

    Mar 23, 10:08 AM
    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    I currently have 34,000+ songs in my iTunes Library, just north of 205GB. I'd buy a 220GB in a heartbeat. I realize not everyone needs that much space, but I currently have to swap out older material (usually live albums and alternate versions) whenever I get a new album (I tend to buy or rip a couple of new albums a week.) And I do indeed listen to everything on my iPod at least occasionally. New albums get a solid two or three day rotation, but most of the time I have it on shuffle. I don't consider this a problem, I just really love music, and variety is important to me.

    Nov 28, 09:56 AM
    I was in FYE last night, and out of curiosity, asked the sales assistant how they were selling. They hadn't sold a single one. I guess it is too early to tell. However, we joked that to many people iPod is the name for all mp3 players, kind of like Kleenex for tissues, and Coke for soda.


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