justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 08:12

justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber photoshoot 2011
  • justin bieber photoshoot 2011

  • nospeed411
    Feb 18, 04:41 PM
    I want that poster!!! Where did you get it?

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber 2011 new haircut
  • justin bieber 2011 new haircut

  • epicwelshman
    Aug 29, 08:56 AM
    I think it's ridiculous to not put a Core 2 Duo chip into the Mini. While I'm not waiting for Merom, to upgrade one of your machines with a faster version of the same soon-to-be-out-of-date chip is silly.

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber new hair 2011
  • justin bieber new hair 2011

  • hayesk
    Mar 24, 02:00 PM
    That's not clever at all. You'd still be stuck with the Intel GPU on the internal screen.

    So what? Play your game on the external screen then. This will allow third displays on Macs that don't have slots. Imagine having three displays on your MacBook Pro. Or if you are a video editor, two displays and an SD or HDMI output.

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. JUSTIN BIEBER 2011 PHOTOSHOOT

  • kadajawi
    Aug 31, 04:40 AM
    Are you looking for a Mac for you or your parents? :rolleyes:
    Eh... both? :D They need a simple computer... -> Mac Mini. I would love to get a Mac too, but can't be bothered with machines that can't be upgraded (ok, you CAN upgrade a Mac Mini and iMac, but not that much). And a Mac Pro would just be way to expensive. I think there are quite a few users who think the same and would like to see a downgraded Mac Pro for switchers who can then keep some of their hardware.

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber new haircut 2011
  • justin bieber new haircut 2011

  • detoxguy
    Sep 15, 02:10 AM
    This story gets buried in the blog and a story of ninja stars makes page one? No Apple bias here. :rolleyes:

    possibly the dumbest statement of the day (saying alot). Of course there's an Apple bias...it's called MAC rumors....

    CR blah blah blah is supposed to be news?

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber new haircut 2011
  • justin bieber new haircut 2011

  • M-Life
    Aug 29, 12:45 PM
    It seems that if this rumor is correct, then why now? Why not 2 months ago? Have mini sales been all that great to warrant holding off on a simple update? Or could they possibly have been waiting for other products to move to merom so the mini doesn't infringe? I just don't understand why this has taken so long.

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber 2011 haircut
  • justin bieber 2011 haircut

  • designed
    Mar 23, 06:00 PM
    I'm right at 28 minutes with a MacPro 2.66 octo but I'm not currently running bigadv units because I keep having to shut down to swap hard drives, bigadv units don't restart once you have stopped them. One of these days I'll get some time to consolidate all of my files... then I won't have to shut down so frequently:p

    Haha. I wanted the 2.66 octo but couldn't justify the price jump (and still somehow managed to justify the quad-to-octo jump, but that's another story). Of course my times tend to deviate, during the days it's just under 33 minutes but now and then a bit of Aperture work comes in and needs CPU attention.

    I haven't noticed that bigadv units do not restart. Mine seem to restart just fine the few times I've shut FahCore down, continuing from the same frame. Does it affect the points awarded or so? Good thing I can usually bunch in the updates, last time it was a few software updates and a third HDD :rolleyes:

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber 2011 new haircut
  • justin bieber 2011 new haircut

  • Rot'nApple
    Apr 2, 08:16 PM
    Did this ad make anyone else misty-eyed, or is it just me? Anyone?


    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber new hair 2011
  • justin bieber new hair 2011

  • roland.g
    Sep 1, 02:33 PM
    The only thing better than G5 Powerbooks, is not having G5 Powerbooks! :D

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber us magazine
  • justin bieber us magazine

  • jettredmont
    Aug 16, 02:00 PM
    We need flat data rates on mobiles in the UK. It will happen (esp. if they want people to embrace 3g that they spent all the money on), it's just when.

    While it's nice to dream, when you are talking about a service (downloading music from your server to your device) that the vast majority of people are going to be using many hours in a day, I doubt you'll see that being "cheap" on the current setups any time soon. For one, there isn't that kind of capacity in the networks. For another, while it may be different in the UK, there are still many pockets of poor or nonexistent coverage. Finally, the cost of portable storage is decreasing significantly (by which I mean, several orders of magnitude) faster than the cost of network bandwidth.

    Network capacity is where it all starts off. Why are ringtones so expensive? Well, for one, because people still buy them. But, offering $1 or $0.25 ringtones would yield a killing for both the record companies (getting $0.25 for 1/6th of a song? Seems about right relative to $1/song) and greatly expand the service in terms of total market size (ie, 1/3rd revenue per download, but much more than 3x increase in number of downloads). Why don't they do this? Because their networks, to a one, could not stand for this traffic to increase enough that the market would expand enough to make the change profitable. When you pay $3 for a ringtone download you are paying primarily to keep other people from doing the same. Sounds perverse, but that's the reality when you have a limited-availability resource, it is the foundation of supply vs demand.

    Expanding on the second: I'd never, ever, buy something that I would want to use when driving, for instance, across the "boring states" of Nevada and south-eastern Oregon, that requires a constant connection to any type of service. Why? Because even cell phones are useless for about a three hour stretch of Highway 95 going up from Winnemucca. If cell phones aren't working now, how long will it be before some next-generation service comes in and "wires" the place up?

    I might shoot myself without my iPod to listen to during that three hours of scrubgrass, migrating crickets, and mountains.

    But, seriously, you guys are talking about a concept that would have garnered a lot of conversation fifteen years ago. The fact of the day is, though, that networking is not getting cheaper at a rate of doubling bandwidth per year, and small, portable hard drive storage (or non-hard drive Flash storage, even moreso) is. Wireless networking isn't winning on power consumption either (Flash storage wins there by a longshot as well).

    Until people start having libraries that are infeasible to transport with them (which means, hard drive space can't keep up with library space, which certainly isn't the case today as library space isn't doubling per year either)and which can be trickle-downloaded to a low-profile wireless device in realtime, the idea here is dead. Sorry, that's just the facts.

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber new 2011
  • justin bieber new 2011

  • farmboy
    Apr 19, 04:44 PM
    25-pin parallel port and floppy disk or I'm not buying.

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. New Bieber Photoshoot!
  • New Bieber Photoshoot!

  • Dynamyk
    Feb 22, 09:20 AM

    Where can I get that date time thingy for my iPad!

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber photoshoot 2011
  • justin bieber photoshoot 2011

  • Blasphemic
    Jan 7, 03:58 AM
    Here's my first and only car I've ever "owned". It's a 1.2 litre Corsa SXI 2001. It was initially bought as a learner car for me and my sisters to start learning in. I passed 2 years ago, and since then it's only me who's been driving the car. My big sister has her own car now, and my little sister won't be starting for another year.

    So at the moment it's just me who's using the car, so I get to use it in University - which makes me very lucky I believe.

    And I also took this picture this morning. A fresh wave of snow has just arrived in Wales, just when I thought I had seen the last of the snow last week.:(


    Is that a Vauxhall Corsa i see there? great little car, not very cool i admit but it just keeps on going =)

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • gkarris
    Mar 22, 11:27 PM
    I would buy this if it was 220gb. Great mockup

    oooh, an Aluminum Unibody iPod Classic - now that would be an INSTANT Classic!!! :eek:


    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber new haircut
  • justin bieber new haircut

  • The.316
    Nov 27, 12:29 PM
    It is really awesome, from what little I've played so far. I don't have my copy yet, it is still in transit for delivery today. But I played it at a friend's, and it is really awesome. It isn't open world, you pick the events to do, but you can also play them from both sides, racers and cops. I haven't played much of it, but what I have is excellent.

    I love NFS games, and I love Burnout games. Thus, a NFS game developed by the guys who normally make the Burnout games is just about as perfect as an arcade racer can get for me. Forza 3 is still my favorite console "simulation" racer, but this newest Hot Pursuit is likely going to be my favorite arcade racer, and will get played for MANY hours.

    I disagree. I quite enjoyed what I played of it before, and for $10, I will easily get my moneys worth out of it.

    I hated Shift. I havent taken it off my shelf in months. Question...what was the last open world NFS game? I dont remember the name of it, it was like 5 or 6 years ago, and it was my favorite NFS game.

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber 2011 new haircut
  • justin bieber 2011 new haircut

  • ~Shard~
    Sep 6, 11:23 PM
    ...but we know that the mini-tower is inevitable....:)

    Well of course, but that still doesn't excuse his hypocritical post. :D :cool:

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber 2011 new haircut
  • justin bieber 2011 new haircut

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 24, 01:38 AM
    I should be posting to the 'update before the holiday season' string to help it get to 4000 posts - but I was wondering at what time of day would an update happen, were it to happen?

    Anywhere from 7AM to 4PM Pacific Time... Most silent updates tend to go live between 7 and 9 AM. But I have to say that I'm only mildly hopeful for tomorrow -- Wednesday makes a lot more sense.

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • The.316
    Nov 24, 12:08 PM
    Not going to post the orders, because they were too much, but I paid:

    $150 on Gap.com

    $175 on American Eagle.Com

    $100 on Sallys Beauty Supply.Com (what can I say, I am a metrosexual lol)

    $300 on Eastbay.Com

    $200 on Ebay, for some shades, and various other things

    Aside from Sallys and Ebay, everything was clothes. The problem is, I have no room for them when they come. I have so many shoes, jeans, shirts, etc., I have to figure out what to do with them. Luckily they are split between winter and summer clothes, otherwised, Id really be f'd.

    justin bieber recent photo shoot 2011. justin bieber new haircut
  • justin bieber new haircut

  • Jonasgold
    Mar 23, 05:43 AM
    they won't ! iPod classic is the best selling for 

    On the last iPod event SJ said the best selling iPod used to be the nano and now is the Touch. I doubt it suddenly became the Classic.
    Highest profit per Unit Sold, that I might believe, but only because they no longer invest in updates/upgrades.

    Sep 14, 03:36 PM
    Well if the US had a decent 3G network, then there would be no problem, like the REST OF THE WORLD!!!! No issues here in OZ!!

    Sep 24, 11:41 AM
    I've been reading some reviews on the iPad Belkin Grip Vue Clear and a few reporting the cases started yellowing after a few weeks... I might get the tint black version instead now.

    Apr 1, 08:19 AM
    Somehow I am unable to grab any screen shots. They all end up "blank" (or black in this case). Has anybody had any problems? I suppose not, since I see everyone posting screen shots everywhere...

    I tried changing the format from PNG to JPG with no effect. Tried other screen grab utilities also with no luck (Guess they use the system calls).

    Any ideas? (and please don't say post a screen shots of my problem, hehe)


    Apr 2, 08:17 PM
    Is this the same Narrator that does the Ken Burns films?

    Yes. Peter Coyote was the narrator for Ken Burns' documentaries. He is the second person to speak in this clip:


    Sep 1, 03:51 PM
    This basically confirms that Apple will release the "Mac".

    A mini/mid tower with a Conroe, upgradeable video card maybe 1 or 2 open PCI slots, 2 HDD slots, 1 DVD slot and 4 ram slots.

    It all seems pretty obvious.What "This" is This? You need to include a link with your references please? We can't read your mind. :confused:http://static.flickr.com/95/231249512_9eccfef387_o.jpg

    Oh yeah. Hope they remember the Dual-Link DVI. This is 30" BTW. Could sell for $2999 with a 2.66 GHz Conroe inside. Brilliant idea to perforate the sides like the Pro case thus letting in and out a LOT of air all the time. *

    So I guess getting back to reality, the 2GHz Mac Pro is the new "weakling" that will be the only decently powered headless Mac. That is really sad. $2124 stripped to the bone.

    We need benchmarks between 2GHz Mac Pro and iMacs and Dual Core PowerMac G5's to see what that really means.

    * Anyone know the source of this image/design? I think it's fantastic.


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