demi lovato selena gomez barney

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 14:11

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  • twoodcc
    Nov 28, 12:29 AM
    Congrats! may the next mil go quickly by.

    thanks! i hope so.

    and congrats to you, whiterabbit, for hitting 3 million!

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. Demi#39;s Hair 1. DEMI LOVATO
  • Demi#39;s Hair 1. DEMI LOVATO

  • rnelan7
    Mar 1, 04:21 PM
    Are you living on campus? And if so, they actually let you mount a TV on the wall? :eek: Where do you go?

    I live off campus, I later read in my lease I can't attach anything to the wall but the landlord is cool so nothing a little spackle and paint can't fix. Also, I go to the College of New Jersey.

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. selena gomez barney demi
  • selena gomez barney demi

  • brianus
    Sep 1, 02:59 PM
    This basically confirms that Apple will release the "Mac".

    Uh, no, it doesn't. If anything it does the exact opposite. Focus on the fact that they're upping the display size to just-below-pro territory and not that they're keeping a laptop processor and you'll see.

    Apple has intentionally left this gap in its line.

    ...yes, for many, many years now. It has intentionally not filled the gap. All signs point to it continuing to intentionally not fill the gap.

    It all seems pretty obvious.

    ...that it's what you want, not what Apple will do.

    Apple used to have all-in-ones, consumer towers, pro towers, etc. Remember the PowerMac 6400? Too many products is too confusing for the consumer. If that means that a couple of people can't get the exact configuration they want, so be it.

    Exactly. It's not like they can go get a more configurable Mac from another company, either. Plus, remember that Apple had all those overlapping products in the bad old days before you-know-who, Mr. consumer/pro/desktop/notebook grid came back on board.

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • Macula
    Jan 11, 10:28 PM
    In colloquial modern Greek, "air" is metaphorically a price premium one pays for hype.


    demi lovato selena gomez barney. Photo of Demi Lovato
  • Photo of Demi Lovato

  • dongmin
    Jan 11, 07:38 PM
    AppleMatters believes a new MacBook - not MacBook Pro - will be announced at MWSF.

    So this could be it, if true.

    they also think the macbook's gonna have a super drive standard across the line, so they're obviously not talking about the same thing

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • MisterK
    Apr 3, 11:25 AM
    I loved this ad. The voiceover reminds me of old Hal Riney commercials, where there is a reverence for the product � a person with quiet confidence telling you a "truth". When the message is a simple one, it's easier to tell a compelling story. Here's the message: when you don't notice the tech the experience feels magical.

    There's nothing wrong with this. Magic is what tech is at its finest. Engineers and developers become mired in the details of how to make it work and think that's the important part, and then we get awful commercials boasting specs. When we lift abstractions and technological explanations, the things we do become more fantastic. We don't visit websites, but can see all the knowledge of the world. We don't Skype; we talk face-to-face with distant loved ones. We don't use Photoshop brushes; we create images with our fingers. Why are the details of how that happens the important part?

    TBWA are the marketing geniuses that have always done Apple's stuff and I'm glad they saw this nugget of truth in Apple's iPad message. This is what we have to do in the advertising business (yes, I'm in it). I've been lucky enough to work with TBWA and can say that they are the real deal. They are true MadMen who honestly look for the most beautiful truth in the products they are asked to sell and then speak that truth more eloquently than everyone else.

    People who identify this as "simply advertising" are missing the point. You're not the smartest kid in the playground when you tell everyone that Santa doesn't exist. The smart ones are the kids enjoying Christmas.

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • mc68k
    Nov 21, 01:08 AM
    yes get a passkey for bigadv

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. demi lovato and selena gomez
  • demi lovato and selena gomez

  • Otaillon
    Jan 9, 08:58 AM
    I was finally able to take my own pics of my just acquired '88 BMW 325is with M50B25TU engine swap. Darn this car is quick and handles so very well.

    Don't mind my nerdy self, It's who I am and I have come to accept it over a decade ago:D

    This car is just perfect! Congratulations on the new purchase!

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. demi lovato and selena gomez
  • demi lovato and selena gomez

  • zin
    Mar 24, 02:38 PM
    Please don't put an AMD 5XXX series into the new iMacs! :(

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. demi lovato and selena gomez
  • demi lovato and selena gomez

  • peestandingup
    Jul 16, 06:54 PM
    That's only because one of the biggest brands keeps using it. I honestly can't think of anything Sony doesn't make that uses MS besides card readers.
    Even sony must realize its not gonna be such a good idea long term...some of their better cameras don't use it- the new Digital SLR has an adapter to use it- it uses a real professional media format instead.
    Yup. Plus, Sony has LOTS of consumer based digital cameras on the market. Most normal people are still new to digital cameras, so they see a bunch of Sony's on sale at Best Buy & they're like "Oh, Sony. I heard they make good cameras." So, they buy one & the salesman says "Hey, you need a memory stick with that." Customer pays it without really looking at other options & Sony just sold to another noob sucker.

    Thats why Memory Stick is so popular with average consumers, but not with serious amateurs & pros. They know better.

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato
  • Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato

  • URFloorMatt
    Apr 2, 09:05 PM
    Much, much better than the recent slate of iPhone ads, which have been terrible. (The "If you don't have an iPhone, well, you don't have an iPhone" ads.)

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • PygmySurfer
    Oct 23, 11:59 AM
    Updates are expected very soon boys and ghouls!

    It's "boils and ghouls" ;)

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • kerryb
    Apr 26, 01:09 PM
    I don't even think the word "App" is really officially a word. As for generic terms, everyone uses generic terms to describe their company's products and brand names, as that's the only way you can allow people to make a link between something they already know, and the product.

    "Apple" is also generic, yet everyone agrees that it's fairly reserved for Apple inc. So are many other names that companies patent to avoid others using it.

    App is not an official word but "ape" as in "he aped my every move" is.

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. selena gomez demi lovato
  • selena gomez demi lovato

  • plinden
    Jul 20, 12:37 PM
    Currently reporting at $60.80 at 12:44 ET. Up 6.73 from yesterday.

    Yahoo article reports: According to Gartner, Apple shipped 766,000 PCs in the second quarter of the year, good enough for 4.6% of the U.S. market, and a 15.4% increase over a year ago. Apple's growth rate exceeded those of the No. 1 and No. 2 PC companies, Dell Inc.:)
    Just to give some more figures - Gartner says worldwide PC sales are 55 million compared to 49.5 million this time last year, and 16.6 million in the US compared to 15.6 million last year.

    But I wonder where they got 766,000 from. The sales figures separate out retail from regional sales, but considering that most Apple stores are in the US, the vast majority of the 216,000 retail sales would be in the US, so US sales could be anything between 642,000-858,000. That's 3.9%-5.2% US market share. Looks like they picked a percentage right in the middle, but I would say it's nearer to 5%. Of course, worldwide it's still only 2.4%.

    To put this in perspective, Dell sold 9.73 million PC worldwide and 5.3 million in the US, ie. 7x Apple's shipments.

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • Schizo
    Jan 26, 07:44 AM
    Including, I noticed, my own on the 2009 thread, although I wasn't a member of this forum at the time.

    A mate of mine just emailed me thus:


    I�m just searching through google photos (got some down time at lunch for once!) and I came across this .... .... Your car but considering the individual posted also claims to own a Corsa and Rover HSE it doesn�t sound like you at all? looks like someone wannabe claiming ownership of your life mate :O Scary part is next page the same person posts again and shows a pic of your missus car!"
    Naturally I had a look and sure enough, my car (and the wife's) in pictures no doubt stolen from the Audi A5 owners' club site.

    Thought I'd let you know in case anyone is thinking of placing trust in this individual ('Mac.') - you may want to think twice.

    I'm actually pretty glad we don't have either car any more - bit scary to see what some people will actually do!

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • tatonka
    Apr 21, 03:15 PM
    Despite the freaked brigade and people wanting to turn this into a huge political argument I think this guy at Reddit had the best thing to say about this:

    Yes they probably need to encrypt this to keep thieves and insane people from taking it from your phone but it's nothing that other cellular providers aren't doing with their phones, you just can't see it necessarily.

    I do think that guy is right and it is only about caching the cell tower locations. I baffles me however which idiot engineer at Apple thought it would be good idea to store those locations along with detailed timestamps unencrypt and even move it to the next phone if you happen to switch phones. If you work on such a high profile system, you need to make smarter decisions than that.
    The second thing that baffles me is Apples blatant incompetence handling these kind of situations. Haven't they learnd anything from antenna gate? Sitting on your ass for several days having the internet raging and the evening news reporting on this stuff without a word, is horrible press. It is more than day since the story broke and no official word from Apple yet .. good job people, let the field to the raging internet mob and the incompetent news crews.


    demi lovato selena gomez barney. To selena-gomez-and-demi-
  • To selena-gomez-and-demi-

  • JimEJr
    Apr 21, 02:10 PM
    Yea, we're all safe now...Al's come to the rescue!!!

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • emotion
    Nov 27, 03:24 PM
    While Apple is targeting professionals and pro-sumers, they know they need to still compete. Their prices on laptops are WAY off.

    The macbook is very competitive for it's size and portablility. Compare it to a similar Vaio or IBM. You'll be surprised.

    demi lovato selena gomez barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • gnomeisland
    Apr 21, 07:13 AM
    You're forgetting that if the iMac user was shunting video to a big-screen TV via HDMI, the user might want to keep that port for that. Would leave the Thunderbolt port for other devices that they might want to keep plugged in without having to swap.

    Not all of us want to plug and unplug...plug and unplug

    Thunderbolt is daisy chain-able. Now I give HDMI *in* a 1% chance on the 27" model since Apple sold a few on the virtue of the Mini-DP in on that model. However, HDMI costs Apple money and it is more likely you'll see Thunderbolt capable of turning the internal display into an external display for another device, or perhaps, TWO thunderbolt ports with said functionality.

    I give the two thunderbolt ports a 2-3% chance but for me that's worth dreaming about.

    Apr 12, 09:17 PM
    Wow, it looks absolutely stunning.

    Apr 21, 12:35 PM
    I trust Apple a lot more than Al Franken.

    Remember, Al Franken voted for legislation that would require, among other privacy violations:
    - All your health care information be reported to the government.
    - All your health care information be kept in a centrallized location.
    - the disclosure of your financial and health care information to the IRS without your notification
    - all busiensses that gather any information about you via the internet (including Apple) to disclose this information to the government upon demand and without a warrant.

    So, Franken can pretend like he cares about privacy, but he's already clearly on the record in thinking that you don't have any privacy when HE wants to find out things about you.

    Al Franken isnt tracking me, my iphone is.

    What a lame ass attempt to politicize the issue :rolleyes:

    Mar 18, 09:35 AM
    I didn't sign either.

    a) I don't think that market growth is necessarily good for Apple.

    b) We don't need to save Apple. It's not endangered.

    c) I wouldn't want a Commodore-type of computer. My TV is smaller than my displays. Besides, a TV cannot handle the high resolutions state-of-the-art video cards deliver.

    d) With the eMac, Apple already has a good entry-level computer. What I'd like to see would be a <$1000 head-less iMac. But with the full range of features (so not a Commodore or whatever).

    Jan 10, 04:10 PM
    Now if I were in England and I was getting a Ford Focus, I think it would have to be a RS. :D

    We don't get to play with those on our side of the pond. :(

    The RS's are very nice i used to have a Mk 1 RS the limited edition blue one they did 4500 cars of.

    The ST's are not much different still have the 2.5 Turbo 5 cylinder engine but only 225bhp. I'm looking at the Mountune Kit with takes it to 260bhp for �1200.

    But the new one is to much money �28,000 you can buy much nicer cars with that sort of money.


    Apr 4, 07:34 PM
    Then don't use full screen �? No one is forcing it on you.

    I use full screen for mail on my 27". Would be useless to put Safari on FS on that size, but I can see why it would be useful on an 11" Air.

    Similar with me. I have a 13" Macbook which really benefits from the ability to go into fullscreen. The extra screen space makes it much easier to concentrate. But when I'm at home I have it plugged into a 24" monitor I don't have a need for it.


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