justin bieber selena gomez vanity fair party

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 14:27

justin bieber selena gomez vanity fair party. Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Attend Oscar Party Arm In Arm - Worldnews.com
  • Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Attend Oscar Party Arm In Arm - Worldnews.com

  • daneoni
    Aug 7, 03:27 AM
    Anyone got any ideas of when the keynote starts in the good ol UK?, i'm guessing 6pm ish?

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  • twoodcc
    Dec 14, 09:32 PM

    I was over at kakaostats and saw there is someone new this week "elena" (http://kakaostats.com/usum.php?u=1604130), up only since tuesday and they already have over 4M points! Must be an institution with a wicked fast cluster? Some serious players out there...

    hey thanks for that link. i didn't know about kakaostats. nice

    You are #103 cruncher for the whole project, whao!
    And actually #1 and #2 are default user, not real...

    Can't wait for Gulftown Mac Pros and SMP2 (maybe 60k PPD with one machine?).

    yeah i'm just worried about the price of those new mac pros.


    The Gulftowns, SMP2 and GPU3 will make for an impressive bump in PPD I hope. It will be interesting to see, I'm hoping some overhead will get cleaned up as well.

    I wonder what companies besides Apple will get their software ported for Grand Central/OpenCL in the next year? Lots of potential there.

    yeah i think we all are ready for smp2 and gpu3. should help us all really

    Do far grand central/open cl has done nothing for mac users...

    so far, yes. but hopefully soon that will change

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  • theBB
    Aug 29, 09:40 PM
    Huh? Why would a BR drive make any more heat than a 12x or 24x DVD drive? Hint: it won't. It's a disc that is the same size and weight and spinning at the same speeds... the only change is the wavelength of the laser reading the disc. Decoding the data will take some juice, which will make some heat, but no more than any other CPU intensive task.
    Some of the reading, decoding, DRM, error control tasks will certainly happen in the drive itself, rather than CPU. More bits to process and faster data to send through the bus would certainly create more heat.

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  • puckhead193
    Apr 12, 10:23 PM
    Would like to see a demo as well as new Mac pros to go with it

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    Aug 29, 05:02 PM
    (Agreed. They need to get that bottom end of the price range covered so that there are options for everyone including students.)

    Yes indeed. As noted above, the mac mini is a great gateway drug. It allows people to get in and experiment cheaply. That is what happened in my case. If the entry point were near $1k, I might not have switched.

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  • Fiveos22
    Aug 6, 09:49 PM
    My cup runneth over with excitement.

    Too bad I'll be in class all day tomorrow and won't get the minute by minute MR coverage...unless I bring my macbook to class with me. :D

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  • mandis
    Mar 25, 03:55 PM
    At this pace the iPad3 will come close to the PS3 in terms of performance when it is released next year...

    I'm really impressed by the increasing performance of the ARM architecture. Mind you all this is coming from a tiny SoC which doesn't require cooling or any substantial power intake.

    Impressive indeed!

    Maybe we'll be seeing ARM based Desktops by the end of the decade... or sooner?

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 10:44 AM
    I don't care about a measly speedbump. Begin to produce the media center already! How hard can it be? Just slap in a TV-card and beef up frontrow. done.
    ok, slightly over simplified... But I dont see why Apple procrastinate on this matter. They would sell a bundle by releasing an Apple "media center".

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  • noahtk
    Apr 2, 09:28 PM
    It's always MAGICAL anymore with Apple.

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  • Surely
    Nov 25, 11:12 PM
    ^^^^^Could I recommend a case for that?



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  • redAPPLE
    Nov 28, 10:14 AM
    imo, like in sports, a loss is a loss.

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  • Galex
    Sep 7, 07:39 AM
    Apple keeps track of all the songs you buy anyway, so it's my opinion that you should be able to just "get another copy" if you have already purchased a song. I think this would be especially great for movies. That way you won't have to eat up precious hard drive space. You could purchase your movie, download it, watch it, delete it, and then re-download the movie if you want to view it again.

    My thought exactly! Apple should be the holder of a virtual movie library, in which you would have access to all the films you have ever bought from Apple, possibly limited to a fixed number of computers per account. iTunes or some new software would keep track of the films in your library, including all kinds of information and trivia about the movies you have purchased. You should be able to save your films on your own hard drive or DVD-R if you wish, but Apple would provide the long-term storage capacity necessary for people who have large collections.


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  • ph_555_shag
    Aug 7, 04:56 AM
    B&O.... mmmmmm

    ill be up with the Aussie crew at a ridiculously early time, probably sleep for a few hours first, Uni tomorrow.... oh the pain!... wish there was a live feed.... DAMN YOU APPLE

    7 hours and 1 min to go!

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  • Lurchdubious
    Nov 26, 01:15 AM
    Comp-tac Minotaur holster. (not my pic)


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  • aiqw9182
    Mar 24, 02:51 PM
    So, without using the supplied windows CD/Driver I can simply plug n' play the 5870 intom my 2009 MacPro and it work?! Heck, if you have done it without issues, then I'm tempted.
    Ask for some more info on the Mac Pro board (http://forums.macrumors.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1) or use the search function on MacRumors. My knowledge on it is fairly limited.

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  • macidiot
    Jul 19, 04:04 PM
    does it mean mac's desktop market share is climbing? 5%?

    It would appear so. Apple's computer sales rose faster than the overall market. But, most of those sales were laptops... so the desktop marketshare is probably falling ;)

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  • Spica
    Sep 7, 09:55 AM
    I just bought a brand new core solo from a reseller 4 days ago!!! Is there any remedy for me?

    This sucks.

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  • Irishman
    Apr 20, 08:33 AM
    The 6950m and 6970m are also available in 2gb models. That would help with the larger resolution of the 27" display. Let's hope for that as well!

    Maybe as a BTO. Not sure all those new things could happen for $1999.99

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  • avkills
    Dec 29, 08:53 AM
    It might also have the capacity to use a TV as a monitor through wireless airport. If there is a video processor, word processing text will also be crisp and clean. I could get a mac mini and iTV and use my new 42�� plasma as the monitor. :p

    You're not going to get broadcast quality computer -> video scaling at $299, which means your text is not going to be crisp.

    It works for movies because there is much color and luma variation.

    Now if you hook the Mini directly to the plasma and can drive the plasma at the native resolution, then it will probably look fine.


    Mar 6, 02:33 PM
    There are a lot of old perceptions about diesel. I love diesel; they are inherently more efficient than gasoline engines.

    I could say something like- "there are a lot of people in the US stuck on old tech, out dated, dirty, inefficient, gas powered cars that don't last as long as diesels nor have as good as ROI as diesels" but I wouldn't want to upset anyone who owns a technically inferior vehicle so I will keep my thoughts to myself.

    As with most things :D I do have an opinion on that. I am very interested in diesel, but I am in the minority as far as that is concerned. When I mention the benefits of diesel to my friends, most of them say something like "Really, you're kidding, if they are superior in areas such as mileage then why doesn't the car companies make and sell them?" I believe the answer is because of the ridiculous emissions standards placed on the manufacturers by agencies such as the EPA. I believe that our government knows the benefits of diesel technology, but that too many powerful people are bought and paid for by giant corporations. You can call me a tin-hat wearing conspiracy theorist is you want to, but I really do think that is why many good things are being suppressed here.

    Nov 27, 04:49 PM
    According to vendors cited by the article, 17" widescreen monitors will not necessarily be more expensive than the current 17" 4:3 models.

    Do the math! A wide screen 17" display has fewer pixels than a 4:3 17" display (given the same dpi).

    So I sincerely hope they aren't going to charge more for a wide display that has less pixels than a 4:3 display.

    Aug 7, 08:04 AM
    Eh, but you still have to find the stuff and set it up. In XPSP2 all security related settings are in one place, its nice. And the OS keeps annoying the hell out of you if you dont turn the firewall on.....

    OOH, and even better....this one I like:
    XP SP2, with firewall enabled, will tell you when a application is attempting to make a network connection, ask for authorization (allow once, allow always, or never), and adjust your firewall settings. If you are playing a game, no more swearing, the OS tells you whats wrong and asks if you trust the application. Good for the clueless people (or, good for those damn games that dont document their TCP/UDP ports)

    I just find that the Windows Firewall gets in the way. Incredibly irritating after a while...

    The OS X firewall is perfect IMHO. I've never had problems with it blocking apps I don't want it to block...

    Feb 17, 10:57 PM
    those are pretty standard sized studio monitoring speakers. i like the audio interface which one is it? is it a DAC and headphone amp too?

    Yes its a Presonus Firestudio Mobile

    Mar 18, 09:09 PM
    Grats on 6 mil!!


    Here are monthly stats for our team (http://kakaostats.com/usum.php?u=1628981) designed is kicking some booty! Way to go designed :eek:

    Our team stats page (http://kakaostats.com/t.php?t=3446) click in the columns to change the sort

    thanks for the links! yes, designed is kicking some butt! i wonder what his times per frame are

    E6750 is an older "65nm" core2duo, 2.66 stock. Good to hear about the ppd. Current info at the moment.

    GPU: 548p project running at 5319.91 ppd.
    CPU: 225p project running at 295.89 ppd.

    Might be time to upgrade the cpu...

    are you running the SMP client for the CPU? have you got the new SMP2 client?


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