justin bieber laughing 2011

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 10:24

justin bieber laughing 2011. Baby Justin Bieber Beckham
  • Baby Justin Bieber Beckham

  • sunwukong
    Nov 28, 10:55 PM
    This thing has a serious bug infestation : :eek:
    Zune Scene Tech Support : http://www.zunescene.com/forums/index.php?PHPSESSID=e68f9fffa988200ca99f9040d747224f&board=15.0

    justin bieber laughing 2011. Justin Bieber 2011 Cool Hot
  • Justin Bieber 2011 Cool Hot

  • mdntcallr
    Oct 23, 10:31 AM
    Tuesday Release!!!!

    lets hope!! apple usually does them around tues.

    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber laughing really
  • justin bieber laughing really

  • cecildk9999
    Nov 28, 10:03 AM
    I know that it's not quite fair to compare the two right out of the launch (a baby product versus a mature one), but MS didn't help themselves by setting up this product to compete directly with the iPod. If they had tried to target a different market (maybe primarily video as opposed to music), they might have more success, and let the hype build from there. But the way they seem to be playing it now, they're going to just throw a lot of money into something that will be in Apple's shadow. It'll offer a compelling alternative to some, but will not necessarily convince too many to become switchers. :p

    justin bieber laughing 2011. Picture That Makes Me Laugh
  • Picture That Makes Me Laugh

  • cube
    Mar 25, 11:40 AM
    Because the Sandy Bridge IGP was not designed to do any sort of GPGPU work, point blank. We will have to wait for Ivy Bridge(next major release from Intel after Sandy Bridge) for GPGPU/OpenCL support on Intel's IGP.

    The SB documentation says it supports Compute Shader 4, a subset of the DirectX 11 level Compute Shader 5.

    What that means in terms of OpenCL, I don't know.

    Intel said they'll continue to evaluate OpenCL during 2011.

    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber laughing 2011.
  • justin bieber laughing 2011.

  • czeluff
    Jan 12, 12:25 PM
    I think the "Air" more likely refers to over the air rentals.

    Bingo! This guy nailed it. Apple maintains a professional naming scheme for all of their machines. "Macbook Air" is NOT one of them.

    Based on the current specs listed, here's what consumers would choose between (and this is why those specs are wrong):

    Macbook: 13.3", ~$1100, Optical Drive.
    Macbook Air: 13.3, ~$1500, No Optical Drive.

    Sounds like a pretty dumb decision to me. I'll take the cheaper one ANY DAY.

    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber laughing 2011.
  • justin bieber laughing 2011.

  • macgeek18
    Feb 20, 11:49 PM
    It is time to drink the intel Kool-aid my friend
    Lol I again drank it 2 days ago by buying a Intel MacBook. Sorry G4's, looks like retirement is looming again. ;)

    justin bieber laughing 2011. JUSTIN BIEBER NEW HAIR 2011

  • aeaglex07
    Mar 31, 08:11 AM
    :eek: yeah that new iCal is hideous. i know its still just a dev preview but if that is any indicator of the rest of the UI i wont be upgrading. LOL

    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber laughing gif.
  • justin bieber laughing gif.

  • jamesryanbell
    Mar 24, 01:19 PM
    That's really, really good news!!

    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber laughing gif.
  • justin bieber laughing gif.

  • jholzner
    Nov 27, 01:14 PM
    meh - does this matter? Isn't 17" is getting to be a bit skimpy by any consumer standards.

    I don't know anyone who has something bigger and are just consumers and not prosumers.

    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber laughing gif.
  • justin bieber laughing gif.

  • logicpro7
    Oct 24, 06:20 AM
    yes i too can confirm that the uk store is down :eek:

    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber laughing really
  • justin bieber laughing really

  • dustinsc
    Mar 22, 03:56 PM
    I wonder if they'd give a revamped Classic Airplay capabilities... in addition to being the pocket media player we all know and love make it an addition to your other devices as a bulk mobile storage capable of pushing audio/video out to Apple TV, iPad, iPhone, etc. I'd buy another one then. I mean, I have a terabyte Toshiba drive that i carry in my laptop case, but that requires the USB cable. Who wants to dongle their drive?

    This does make sense. It's also a nice opportunity to add Thunderbolt to a device. Apple would probably make it go through the iPod connector, but I don't really see that as a problem.

    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber laughing really
  • justin bieber laughing really

  • moondog190
    Feb 24, 02:19 PM
    I was able to get the link working but the picture won't show on the forums for some reason

    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber laughing. justin
  • justin bieber laughing. justin

  • hypmatize
    Nov 27, 08:34 PM
    It's Christmas time :) Here are my last few purchases for various members of my family.

    Stocking stuffers for mom, dad, brother, and sister:

    http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/4030/51brbclczclsl500aa300.jpg http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/4058/51iw2jwhpblsl500aa300.jpg http://img813.imageshack.us/img813/272/51k7tfjwurlsl500aa300.jpg http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/4393/51vmyprpshlsl500aa300.jpg

    Gift for my mom. She rides her bike 10 miles to and from work a few times a week:


    Gift for my brother. He sold all of his games to Gamestop so that he could buy Fifa 10. He really wants Fifa 11 too, but I'm waiting to see if I can find it cheaper:


    I think best buy still has fifa 11 for $35 you should check it out.... its a great game btw. You just have to get used to the passing from fifa 10

    justin bieber laughing 2011. Justin bieber pictures justin
  • Justin bieber pictures justin

  • ObsidianIce
    Jul 19, 06:55 PM
    Ahhh, as a loyal user, and stockholder this is what i like to hear. And i agree it is nice to personally be able to say that you've helped!

    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber laughing really
  • justin bieber laughing really

  • Giaguara
    Apr 15, 10:30 AM
    What people don't understand is that Apple is dying....

    Yes, I don't really understand WHY according to ... you ?? apple would be dieing.

    If you want a Mac that costs 500 $, buy a second had iMac / eMac.

    I have NEVER seen a petition that has anything to do with computer or software industry, that I could believe would make _really_ any difference. All the petitions I've seen seem rant - like. If you have an idea, just present it in a more constructive manner, bring / ship it to Cupertino.

    Besides - I find it really weird that you don't have more than 500 $ to spend for a computer ... when you are living in Japan. Quit drinking gallons of milk a day there, and you can get a computer in a week. ;)

    justin bieber laughing 2011. Justin Bieber is the best boss
  • Justin Bieber is the best boss

  • peapody
    Nov 23, 05:49 PM
    Hmm. Do you know the total on all of the posts? :p

    What do you think of it? If it seems good, and if they release one for the iPT, then I might get one.

    ASK and you shall receive!!

    28,530 posts!! see original post!!

    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot.
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot.

  • bryanc
    Oct 23, 07:43 AM
    So I've rather been hoping for an 'event' at which these significantly upgraded MBPs could debut. I doubt the kinds of significant changes I'm hoping for would be released without some sort of fanfare.

    sorry to quote myself, but i just realized that the UK Mac Expo is this week, and that would be a good venue for releasing new MBPs

    so my prediction is Oct 26 at the UK MacExpo.


    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber laughing really
  • justin bieber laughing really

  • diamond.g
    Mar 27, 01:09 PM
    All Intel machines going forward with the new Sandy Bridge CPU architecture will be EFI boot like Mac has been for some time. That probably explains why Apple will support off-the-shelf PC GPUs now. :apple:

    Curious, where is that from?

    justin bieber laughing 2011. justin bieber laughing 2011.
  • justin bieber laughing 2011.

  • FearNo1
    Apr 22, 09:58 PM
    How is this "common knowledge" when apple supposedly added this all seeing eye feature in 2010? And with al bore on apple's board, that is even more reason to be concerned...

    The men claim that the facility to record users' positions was added with the iOS4 software update, released in June 2010.

    Really? This is common knowledge and is legal. All cell phones have this backdoor built in. Al Gore is on Apple's board. This became law in 2001.

    Aug 7, 05:40 AM
    Finish work at 5.30pm - 1 hour of 5-a-side footy (6.00 - 7.00pm) - drive home, eat & shower by 7.30pm - turn on Mac, log into MacRumors (hopefully it'll be running!) - and laugh at all you silly bugger's who have to spend �1000's on a new Mac and display :p

    It is funny reading about how people all of a sudden HAVE to get something, or are upset about how their investment is now worthless or if apple will let them exchange their recently bouth XXX for the new model. :rolleyes:

    I would love to be able to see some of the demos of leopard, I expect a lot of it, and screenshots wont work this time!

    Sep 6, 09:49 AM
    Fair enough, but what about those of us who want to buy a general purpose computer? (Probably most people)Well I actually think there's a good chance now that Apple will drop the Mini altogether and replace it with a Conroe-based smallish desktop. Apple didn't add any new features to the Mini other than the CPU bump. To me, this signals Apple's reluctance to advance the line beyond the current incarnation. Logic dictates that a new product will replace it.

    Silent upgrades anyone? :)
    Makes the MBP upgrades more likely. Can only say to nay sayers, that MBP will be C2D before (12th) or *just* after the student offer ends (US) - Sept 16th. I'd bet someone an icecream over it...I'd bet on the 19th or 20th. There's just too much stuff next week with the video store, ipods, and airport AV. Apple will want at least a full week of these new toys on the Apple.com front page before adding the C2D MBPs. Next week:

    [............movie store..............]
    [ipods] [airport] [24" imac] [mini]

    The week after:

    [.............movie store..............]
    [MBPs] [ipods] [airport] [imacs]

    It looks like Apple's been holding off making any Merom-related announcements until they have enough on hand to ship today. And indeed, they're shipping Merom iMacs today, which beats all other major vendors, if I'm not mistaken. I'll bet that Apple will wait til they have enough stock of 2.0 and 2.16 ghz parts before announcing the Macbook Pros. That's why I say they're two weeks off, at least.

    Aug 6, 09:58 PM
    how long is the keynote?

    They last about an hour to 2 hours

    Apr 10, 02:21 PM
    My first car years ago was an automatic (had no choice). Since then all were manual and that's the only way to go imho. I do not and will not buy automatic car for a long time because I despise them. Nothing more pathetic than a sports car with an automatic. Honestly, any man not driving a family car/taxi/limo/truck that drives an automatic is not very manly in my eyes.

    I remember going to Dominican Republic a few years back. We couldn't take a Jeep tour because it required 2 drivers the could handle a manual and I was the only one who could drive it out of 6 people (3 guys and 3 girls). Very sad.

    May 2, 09:29 PM
    Consistency is "cool" and all...but I'm one of these weird people who like traditional file structures, trashcans, mice, keyboards...ya know, all that old foggie stuff;) And for the love of Caprica 6, please don't let this be a hint to future touchscreen Macs. I already get OCD when my iPad/iPhone looks like the windows of a school bus.


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