justin bieber one less lonely girl liverpool

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 20:03

justin bieber one less lonely girl liverpool. justin bieber one less lonely
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  • scott523
    Nov 15, 11:23 AM
    How can this get negative votes? In fact, how do a lot of perfectly benign threads get negative votes? Are there just members out there who vote negative on everything?It could be the fact that the 8-core Mac Pro butchered the iTunes encoding and Quake 4 test? I'm shocked myself that Mac Pro tied for the lowest score in the iTunes test.

    justin bieber one less lonely girl liverpool. justin bieber one less lonely
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  • lifeinhd
    Feb 26, 11:52 AM
    left to right:
    20" Apple Cinema Display, 1st Gen.

    I don't think that's a first-gen, mate. The first gens were acrylic:

    <Cool story>
    Pic of my airplane setup (I was watching one of the Back to the Future movies):

    LOVE those movies. I had the complete set on VHS, plus a fourth "behind-the-scenes" tape, but I lost the first one :(

    Btw, it was a class trip at my Jewish school (hence the going out to dinner on Pico Blvd). The kosher food in LA is AMAZING!!

    As good as NY?


    I have the same, uh, fan :p

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  • ShavenYak
    Jul 18, 08:19 AM
    Until they at least come close to matching the model that Mac The Ripper, Toast and Blockbuster 3 dvd postal rental gives me, I'll have to decline the Studios kind offer regarding rental rather than ownership.;)

    Yeah, and I'm not going to buy another new car until the auto manufacturers match the deal I can get with a coat hanger, screwdriver, and pair of pliers. :rolleyes:

    Just because it's cheaper to obtain illegally doesn't mean you're getting a bad deal when you acquire it legally. And it sure as hell doesn't make it right. Of course, it's obvious that concepts like right and wrong don't matter much in modern society. :mad:

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  • daneoni
    Mar 24, 01:08 PM
    Bye bye Nvidia. Twas interesting whilst it lasted.

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  • yukyuklee
    Feb 24, 07:54 PM
    here's another...

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  • milo
    Aug 29, 12:31 PM
    ALL desktop machines......

    Apple posted their 3rd Quarter 2006 financial results today.


    That was before the Pro shipped, it's a safe bet since it's released desktop numbers have gone up. And that's just one quarter, I doubt desktop numbers have been on the decline for the last twelve months.

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  • Edge100
    Sep 1, 12:28 PM
    I'm not sure about this one. It will depend on how agressively Apple prices these.

    I have a 20" iMac, and with my edu discount (at the time), I paid about $2500 (Canadian) for it with 2GB RAM (from Apple...was cheaper than anywhere else, believe it or not!), 256MB VRAM, and a 250GB HD.

    For about $350-450, I can get a decent (not great, but decent) 20" widescreen display and hook it up to my iMac, giving me 3360 x 1050 resolution, which is plenty wide enough to display 36+ faders in Logic, plus some other apps (Live, Reason) that I use with it. A 23" display would only give me 1920 x 1200.

    The point is: depending on how Apple prices it, I can get the 20" plus an external monitor and get more space for less money.

    I can see this working if (a) the 23" isn't substantially more expensive than the 20" AND (b) there are a few other things (i.e. bigger HD, more RAM, faster/better vid card) to distinguish the machines. This is the precise reason I didn't get the 500GB drive in my iMac...I went up to 250, but I could make up the additional 250GB over Firewire for a lot less.

    Either way, these should be sweet. I love my iMac (it does EVERYTHING I need today) and I don't anticipate upgrading for a number of years (well, maybe I'll slap in a Merom after the Applecare expires!)

    Anyway, just my two cents.

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  • FearNo1
    Apr 23, 10:42 AM
    No, I did not mean the traditional GPS. I was referring to the one that the 911 system uses. I don't think that can be turned off. IOW, if you have any modern cell phone, you can be tracked. The difference is that with the iphone, the info is stored on the phone itself.

    you can turn off the GPS in a phone and most people assume that when you do it stops tracking you yet as it already been shown it just starts storing info base the cell towers.

    I just do not like the fact you can not opt out of it. It just feels wrong to me.

    justin bieber one less lonely girl liverpool. JUSTIN BIEBER ONE LESS LONELY

  • P-Worm
    Nov 15, 08:01 AM
    They say that the changes in speed aren't going to effect most people because the programs aren't written for multiple cores. Do you think that we are going to see more consumer apps optimized for multiple processors, or do you think that it just isn't needed?


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  • Benguitar
    Nov 24, 02:02 PM
    I do believe that's a gun case.

    Hm, Didn't think of that. I got it at a camera store. :rolleyes::D

    This will make airline travel more interesting.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Sep 7, 07:21 AM
    Still cant see any sign of MBPs.*weeps*

    Maybe next tuesday...

    But remember the iMac and Mac had the first Intel chips, so I think the MacBook and MacBook Pro will get Merom in the next few weeks.... well I hope so

    justin bieber one less lonely girl liverpool. justin bieber one less lonely
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  • Porco
    Sep 6, 09:01 AM
    Dude, the MBP was updated in late April of this year, why would you think it'll be updated four and a half months later??

    Yeah, next thing you know people will saying machines could have their processors upgraded before they're even released!! Oh, wait... :p

    Seriously, I think it's been widely stated that with the move to intel chips, processors are likely to be updated more regularly... don't know when the MBP will get upgraded, but if the chips are there, they need to be going in the machines ASAP for Apple to maintain a competitive line-up compared with otherwise-similarly specced PCs.

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  • kntgsp
    Sep 14, 10:28 AM

    I agree with you on the points that Apple does need a reminder of where it stands in the consumer/producer relationship every now and then, just as any other company does. Consumer Reports generally does a good job with facilitating this. I'd much rather a major publication start taking Apple to task about not allowing sideloading/locking down the device though to be honest.

    My issue, from a personal viewpoint as an iPhone and Android user, is the way the iPhone4 antenna issue was approached and in my opinion blown out of proportion in terms of the net effect.

    Yes the phone suffers a -20dB attenuation when you hold the device and bridge that antenna. My HTC Desire gave me a -14dB attenuation when I held it in one hand and my Galaxy S gives me -18dB when holding it in one hand. The only difference is that the attenuation on the iPhone4 is possible by simply bridging that antenna with your pinky finger rather than needing to hold the device.

    The point there is that how often does someone do that where they lay a device on a table and touch that particular spot with a pinky finger? Or why would someone do that? The issue is that the signal attenuates when the device is held. But every phone suffers that to some degree, with even phones that have internal antennas giving comparable attenuation when held in your hand.

    They focused quite a bit on "if I touch the device just like this when it's laying down it gives me the attenuation" despite the fact no one does that. They should have looked at it from a net user experience, where "does a -20dB attenuation make a phone not recommendable compared to a phone with only a -15dB attenuation" being the more deciding factor.

    To me personally, I can't see how someone can recommend a phone that gives you -15 to -18dB attenuation when held and then not recommend a phone that gives you -20dB simply because it can also be reproduced by touching a marked spot with your pinky if the device is laying on a table. That's not to say that Apple should be proud that their phone also attenuates (and usually more so by varying degrees), but where's the cutoff?

    Is -19dB the maximum allowable attenuation before you say something isn't recommendable? I think that's a fair question to ask.

    justin bieber one less lonely girl liverpool. justin bieber one less lonely
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  • cult hero
    Mar 22, 06:09 PM
    For all those saying about SSD - don't forget that after approx. 2 years of regular use, the drive is pretty much useless. read/write speeds drop off considerably as they age. As unbelievable as it may seem, SSD still has a long way to go before it can replace the hard disk drive.

    Uhhh... no.

    And on a device like a high capacity iPod, how often are you churning your data?

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  • fobfob
    Nov 21, 12:01 AM
    Folks, I'm trying to run FAH on my i7 iMac. I put in "-bigadv -smp 8 -local " into the 'extra parameters' tab of the Settings app. I've got 8 processes going and it all looks good.

    Apart from entering "3446" as the team number, do I need a passkey?

    justin bieber one less lonely girl liverpool. justin bieber one less lonely
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  • daneoni
    Aug 7, 03:27 AM
    Anyone got any ideas of when the keynote starts in the good ol UK?, i'm guessing 6pm ish?

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  • MacSA
    Oct 24, 04:01 AM
    No the E207WFP 20 is 1650x1050.

    I advocate the 2007FP 20 1600x1200 for only $359.20 (http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&sku=320-4687). That extra 150 verticle pixels is very helpful.

    Dell really are fleecing their none US customers:

    20" 2007FP: �311
    24" 2407WFP: �566
    20" 2007WFP: �401
    30" 3007WFP: �1,365

    People here are always raving about Dells low prices here, but I really dont think they're that cheap at all (in the UK) - unless you buy something with very old hardware that is.

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  • BigBeast
    Apr 19, 07:57 PM
    Large SSD's are just too expensive and often times not big enough. And you only get a finite number of writes on them before they're garbage.

    While technically correct, you should provide context.

    While SSDs DO have a finite number of write available, an SSD that's 256 GB (a modest drive size) with 10,000 writes = 2,560,000 GB of writing capacity (or 2.56 * 10^6 ;))

    That means you could write 100 GB of data PER DAY for slightly over 70 YEARS!

    Feel free to be amazed. :D

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  • sfwalter
    Jul 19, 03:47 PM
    Those analysts really need to do their homework. They brought Apple's stock down because of their negativity. Since they were wrong I think the analysts need to reimburse shareholders for lost money :).

    Mar 18, 10:43 PM
    Please sign it !! For our sakes



    This is what my friends and I refer to as a WOMBAT
    Waste of Money, Brains and Time

    Sep 6, 06:22 PM
    Yes. I want rentals. I almost never want to see the same movie again, so I won't want to store it.

    Rentals are what I would use. At a sufficiently low price, of course. $2 for close to DVD quality would be OK. (I'm less picky about rental quality than purchase quality.)

    Seems a lot of people are agreeing with this. If they don't have a netflix style rental model then I can't see myself using the movie store at all. If they do have rentals, then I'll say bye-bye to netflix the same day.

    Having read all the rumours, I'm not holding out much hope... :(

    Nov 29, 06:11 PM
    Whilst I'm not Microsofts biggest fan, their Media Centre is pretty good, actually its a lot more than pretty good - even I'm tempted. Once you've got Media Centre running on your PC, you can hook up a �200 Xbox 360 to access all the content (music, video, digital tv etc). The PVR side of Media Centre is excellent as well.

    If the iTV is going to cost �100, it will need to do something pretty special to be a success - everything that Microsoft offerings can do at the very least.

    Nov 28, 07:24 PM
    zune people don't seem to agree what it is bad. they just deny the true. here what they are ridiculous.


    I consider myself more a creative person, as I've been into photography since junior high in the seventies. The whole computer geekish stuff is more a passing interest, rather than a lifestyle (I really like sci-fi, but like a lot of other movies too).

    When I use my old 12" iBook G3, or my 14" iBook G4 in public, I usually get - wow, cool.

    When I use my Dell from work, or my Compaq laptop, people look at me as nerdy (they come up and ask if I could help them connect to the network).

    I'm tempted to go onto the above Zune website and hold a contest to see who has the best post as far as Zune being better than an iPod....

    Then, gift the winner "White and Nerdy" video from Wierd Al...

    Oh wait, Zune Marketplace doesn't do music videos, and the Zune won't play iTunes Store music videos either...

    Apr 12, 09:18 PM
    What was the render dialog ?

    The ancient "rendering video..." progress bar you get to watch, which locks you out of every other function.


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