justin bieber icons 2011

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 09:52

justin bieber icons 2011. justin bieber icons for
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  • imnotatfault
    Aug 19, 09:43 AM
    Yeah. let's hope... But my confidence in the ability of others to be as smart and cool as I was never developed as a child.

    I've just been surprised by all the calls (almost frenzy-like) by others on this thread (it seems you and I are pretty much on the same page as I just read your comments you entered while I was entering my own) to make the iPod, basically, an all-in-one type peice of crap. I have honestly asked why they really need this and have only sen one (maybe two) cool, albeit niche-type, uses.

    While some may say Steve is mercurial, I hope in this case he is 1) on my side here, 2) just as mercurial and controlling as rumored and 3) pays no attention to this thread or any polls in which like-minded individuals participate.

    Well put. And I think outside of the hardcore businessy types, those features are really lost on the everday person. My girlfriend has a Dell Axim, and it was really fun to write with a stylus and put my to-do list in and put stuff into the calendar. Two weeks later, I pulled it out to play a game of Solitaire then turned it back off.

    I KNOW this isn't what Apple intends, and by doing this, they'd alienate the market they worked so hard to gain over, which are casual users who don't know much about technology (which is why they stick with PC--comfort, not active choice).

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  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Aug 24, 05:58 PM
    I thought Yonah and Merom are basically the same cost-wise. That's why everyone thinks including merom in new systems won't raise the price of those systems. I could be wrong.

    They will be - at least initially - but Intel will undoubtedly lower prices on the Yonah chips shortly, making a cheaper Yonah-based Mini feasible.

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  • mrblack927
    Mar 31, 09:50 PM
    I heard iChat got a new UI. Can someone take screenshots?

    Not really a new UI, just more unified now. Only one buddy list for all your accounts.

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  • animated justin bieber icons.

  • dguisinger
    Aug 7, 08:09 AM
    what about when steve says they have a new case and the 17" has an optional blu-ray drive. and they all have hdmi output. x1800 256/512

    he will kill us all

    Man, thats not enough.... we need dual Nvidia mobile GPUs with SLI...just like Alienware has! (Each with 512MB, for a total of 1GB video ram!)

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  • justin bieber tour 2011.

  • Nmx-
    Apr 1, 11:07 AM
    Has anyone else experienced that the temps has gone up with this release?

    my macbook 5,1 2ghz core 2 duo seems to run well over 70 celcius all the time which means that my fans are going crazy, and i hate that high sound. its fine in idle mode, but as soon i start a program like Xcode or Netbeans or just browse the web.

    its idling at 60-6x celcius.
    and nothing is running at all only activity monitor.

    this didn't happen in preview 1
    or on my SL partition.

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  • moving justin bieber icons.

  • kingtj
    Jul 18, 01:19 PM
    Ick! Absolutely not! Streaming video is unreliable and inconsistent. It may work well for shorter movies, where the computer can download enough of the movie ahead of time in the buffer to ride out any brief slowdowns or halts in traffic .... but there's little chance a 2 hour + movie would stream to you without any hiccups at all. I've got 6mbit DSL at home, and I run into these problems just because of other computers on my LAN trying to download updates or what-not while I'm watching a movie stream. It's got to be much worse for people with 1.5mbit DSL or even 3mbit, which are much more common.

    Not only that, but where there's the ability to actually download content (protected or not), there's the possibility of it being saved permanently. Regardless of "legality" - I like leaving as many options open as possible. Projects like JHymn allowed removal of DRM on iTunes music ... so something similar could allow it for downloaded movies.

    I'd rather them just be streamed if it is indeed going to be rentals.

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  • gif justin-ieber icon

  • joshellis625
    May 2, 04:33 PM
    I think this is pretty awesome. I know that currently all you have to do is drag the app to the trash but it always bothers me that it could leave leftover files in Library, etc., which is why I use AppCleaner. I think having this more streamlined and comprehensive way of removing apps would be a lot better.

    justin bieber icons 2011. Moving Justin Bieber Icons For
  • Moving Justin Bieber Icons For

  • dvince2
    Jun 22, 12:27 PM
    And there it is. The end of the Mac Platform.
    Should have seen this coming a long time ago...

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  • Tags justin, ieber, or Made

  • Silentwave
    Jan 5, 05:20 PM

    Never happening, even though this was naturally a joke, because not only would every apple user throw themselves off the highest mountain in Cupertino, but every Windows fanboi would jump off the steepest cliff in Redmond!

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  • justin bieber icons 2011.

  • partyBoy
    Nov 28, 05:23 PM
    One of the most UNDERrated games...it is awesome

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  • April 11th, 2011 | Gossip | 26

  • CWallace
    Jan 11, 07:04 PM
    AppleMatters believes a new MacBook - not MacBook Pro - will be announced at MWSF.

    So this could be it, if true.


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  • Justin+ieber+funny+2011

  • odo
    Aug 7, 05:23 AM
    Anyone dares to read "Vista 2" as "Vista too"?
    Virtualisation built-in so Leopard does Vista too?
    Would surprise me, but still...

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  • Moving Justin Bieber Icons For

  • macquariumguy
    Jan 5, 04:04 PM
    I'm still driving the NSX every day. Coming up on 6 years.

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  • justin bieber 2011 tour pics.

  • Brianstorm91
    Jan 11, 04:54 PM
    But the current MacBook is 13.3" and not a Pro model :confused:

    I call fake.

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  • justin bieber dancing icon.

  • weiss
    Oct 23, 07:27 PM
    I actually decided "the hell with it, i'm not going to wait any longer" and went to closest retail store to get myself a nice looking black macbook. It was sold out. Actually, I can't find it anywhere, so it's not much of a choice anymore (at least until they get more units).

    So, I'm stuck in the waiting room again. Let's all hold hands and believe, brothers! The C2D is coming! Hallelujah!

    justin bieber icons 2011. Justin Bieber came away the
  • Justin Bieber came away the

  • baryon
    Mar 22, 06:54 PM
    Glad they don't plan to discontinue it. I'm not the kind of person who would buy one, but I like the way it looks! I like that it's the only mechanical music player Apple makes, it's the only one that doesn't follow the rest with Flash memory, Touch Screens, Cameras, WiFi, etc... It's just the good old iPod Classic and it's designed for music and not much else. It's one of those "Pro" products that only have one function, but they do that one function very well.

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  • justin bieber twitter icons

  • Unspeaked
    Nov 28, 11:33 AM
    I know that it's not quite fair to compare the two right out of the launch (a baby product versus a mature one), but MS didn't help themselves by setting up this product to compete directly with the iPod. If they had tried to target a different market (maybe primarily video as opposed to music), they might have more success, and let the hype build from there. But the way they seem to be playing it now, they're going to just throw a lot of money into something that will be in Apple's shadow. It'll offer a compelling alternative to some, but will not necessarily convince too many to become switchers. :p

    Wow. Substitute "Mac OS" for "Zune" and "Windows" for "iPod" and that could have been any random post on Mac Rumors from the last five years!


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  • justin bieber dancing icon.

  • toddybody
    Mar 24, 09:54 PM
    Yes, it's an issue. Mac Pros don't carry heavy duty PSUs.

    Ehhh...you're right that it's no 1200watt corsair. But it supports dual CPUs, crap ton of ram, and 5770x2 or 5870...surely it could support a 6970(from a tdp perspective)

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  • Blog justin-ieber icon

  • RaceTripper
    Jan 31, 04:27 PM
    imo, it needs deep dish wheels.. (or ronal turbo's)
    still it's a nice ride non the less!Deep dish wheels are great, if they don't stick out the wheel wells from exaggerated width like a ghetto whip.

    Apr 2, 09:09 PM
    have one but that commercial makes me want to puke. Once you use one and realize it's limitations, it's not so magical. It's a fun consumption device which you can get some work done on, but without real multitasking, it's lack of real technology actually hinders and isn't so magical.

    Wow, wait till those doctors find out they've been using pretend technology :eek:

    Jan 23, 11:56 AM
    My Baby

    Mar 1, 03:28 PM
    That may be true of the huge American diesel truck engines, but go examine a new VW, BMW or Mercedes diesel and you'll see that this is just not the case anymore. They sound a little different, smell a little different, but not worse than gasoline - it's just that we are so used to gas engines that everything else is assumed to be worse somehow.

    This. You can barely even smell the exhaust - if at all - even from the new truck engines with DPFs. The Cummins ISB in the Dodge, in particular, is effectively odorless (though they were having durability problems with their DPFs - dunno if that's solved yet or not).

    That said though, right this moment I'm very glad I don't have to buy diesel fuel. The price per gallon for #2 is hovering right around $4/gallon (http://www.sandiegogasprices.com/index.aspx?fuel=D) at all the stations near me (North San Diego County).

    Jul 14, 03:28 AM
    Cheaper Blu-ray next month: "BenQ to launch Blu-ray Disc writer in August"


    Blu-ray is awesome for backups as well as HDTV and HD movies in general. You can also have much more content on a Blu-ray than on a HD-DVD disk.

    So, should Blu-ray drop prices more to match HD-DVD as seems the trend, the election is clear: Blu-ray for ever!

    Apple: go for it with the option ot two-drive BTO Macs. We need them.

    Nov 15, 11:25 AM
    That really depends on the program, on how "parallelizable" the application is.

    The simplest way to think of it is like this: Let's say you have a program that first has to calculate A. Then, when it's done that, it uses the result of A to calculate B. Then, when it's done that, uses the result of B to calculate C, then C to D, and so on. That's a *serial* problem there. The calculation of B can't begin until A is done, so it doesn't matter how many processors you have running, all computation is held up on one spot.

    On the other hand, let's say you have an application that needs to calculate A, B, C and D, but those four values are not dependent on each other at all. In that case, you can use four processors at the same time, to calculate all four values at the same time.

    Think of it like baking a cake. You can't start putting on the icing until the cake is done baking. And you can't start baking the cake until the ingredients are all mixed together. But you can have people simultaneously getting out and measuring the ingredients.

    So that problem is partially parallelizable, but the majority of its workload is a serial process.

    Some software applications, just by their very nature, will never be able to do anything useful with multiple processors.

    This is true, but there are still many many ways to optimize the multi-core processor that's not currently being use.

    For example, I am waiting for a program to compile right now. Although I have a dual core on my computer, the compiler only compile one file at a time and usually takes about 10 min to do a full compile . If I have an 8 core computer with a multi-threaded compiler then I can cut the total time to jsut over a min + couple of seconds for linking time.

    I think the main problem with muti-threading program is that it is difficult to implement, especially for coders who only knows high-level languages. Muti-threading in low-level program such as C is not easy but at least it is straight-forward. But trying to muti-thread high-level language such as VB or C# can get you into a big headace since everything is abstracted from the programmer. To do that, you need to get into unsafe code and call a bunch of DLLs, and it's easy to get memory leaks. Basically it can start to get very complicated, very quickly.


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