justin bieber watercolor

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 19:02

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  • imac_japan
    Apr 16, 05:46 AM
    Very interesting point but I want Apple's share to grow ! The whole point of this thread is to get Apple into every home - right now, its being done by the Ipod but sales can't continue this good forever so they must push the Macintosh into more homes and business.

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  • richard.mac
    Apr 3, 03:19 AM
    That's because the 'control' button acts like a four-finger gesture. Same applies to ctrl+left arrow and ctrl+right arrow.

    yeah, but for a keyboard ctrl-up to close is how it logically should be.. and i think Apple agreed. the first time i tried it i instinctively pressed ctrl-up again to close.

    anyone know if recent files in a closed app's dock menu are new? thats an awesome feature, like Windows 7's jump lists, which i really like.

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  • pavelbure
    Apr 12, 09:16 PM
    "render dialog is gone"

    Thank GOD!

    What was the render dialog ?

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  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 10, 04:52 PM
    Have to say, whenever these threads crop up, I'm alway left with the opinion that in the U.S., being able to depress a clutch and move a stick at the same time is seen as some kind of divine talent... :p :p :p
    That's because in the US most of us drive on two types of roads, crowded ones and dead straight ones. Automatics are superior on crowded ones and it doesn't matter on straight ones.

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  • Horrortaxi
    Mar 19, 09:15 AM
    Look, you don't have to call people names....

    Whose calling you names? I'm agreeing with Krizoitz, who said that your petition is a Waste of Money, Brains and Time (WOMBAT).

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 20, 07:03 PM
    seems like they may be targeting Gaddafi now ...


    Wow, that is a shocker.

    The U.S. Congress passed a law to prohibit any attempt to assassinate any foreign leader.

    Why, I don't know, but there it is. :confused:

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  • zac4mac
    Sep 6, 10:01 AM
    It may have been introduced then, but that wasn't the last time it was refreshed . See here which is actually on May 16th.

    Wrong, all they did then was drop the bottom config. Top speed is STILL 2.16GHz, as it was the day the 15"MBP started shipping in Feb. - I have a 2.0 that I received Feb28. The ONLY speed bump the MBP has gotten was before they started shipping.


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  • roland.g
    Apr 19, 11:05 AM
    I've been waiting for a refresh to replace my rev. A Aluminum 24" iMac 2.8Ghz (Aug 2007) with a new 27". Going to sell my Aluminum 13.3" MacBook and iMac and get a new one.

    But I will probably wait the extra few months for Lion. No point in upgrading just prior to what I expect to be a relatively major OS release. I doubt 10.7 will be the $29 upgrade Snow Leopard was.

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 20, 01:11 PM
    Yet you come across with all the maturity of an 11 year old.

    Yeah, I loved his little 'wargasm' too.

    That little mushroom thingie probably took a few people along with it. I'd suggest that we keep our 'oohs' and 'aahs' limited to Fourth of July fireworks.

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  • chillywilly
    Sep 7, 12:48 PM
    The prices in CompUSa will be dropped on Friday for what they may actually have in stock. They have been constraining them for the past couple weeks. All I have is the display core duo and one box stock core solo. Alot of the apple employees who work in the CompUSAs had extra days off this week due to the holiday (much needed) so they may not have been back into CUSA to let the staff know.

    I think getting a cheaper older model of Mac mini would be great, if the prices were right. It would be a great starter machine for someone that really doesn't care about having the lastest and greatest.

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  • SubaruNation555
    Nov 24, 06:08 PM
    HP ZR24w to replace my 23" Cinema Display. It seems there aren't many 24" IPS 16:10 monitors around for under $500.


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  • vand0576
    Sep 1, 12:22 PM
    I'd really like to see that extra space house more USB ports and PCI slots, or even a eSATA port to make add on HDD space perform like it were right on the motherboard.

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  • diamond.g
    Mar 24, 01:59 PM
    It has too seeing as Intel is pushing DRM protection into the physical CPU.

    But the GPU still has to decode what was sent and put it on the screen, which is why I asked if the TB itself can do the encoding. If it can how much overhead will that add (again as it has to happen over the PCIe side)?

    Or can you send graphics information over DP that still needs to be processed, ie raw frames?

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  • ecoons
    Jan 11, 10:43 PM
    Electromagnetic fields decrease with the cube of the distance (I think- might be square, but someone smarter than I can correct me). You would need to keep the charger within a few inches while charging. Frankly, if I'm going to carry a charger with me when I travel, I really don't care if it's plugged in directly or just has to be really close.

    What if there was a universal (yikes, what IS truly universal nowadays) way of transmitting electrical power, where your physical desk-top, kitchen counter, tray tables in airplanes, glove boxes (or cup holders for phones), nightstand in a hotel room, etc could charge your electronic gadgets just when you set them on the surface. That would mean they would be "just a few inches away" or less. There's no need to be charging devices 100% of the time, but as long as you can set them down on a "recharging surface" when they get low, then you have a cordless charging system.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Feb 26, 11:14 PM
    I currently have a 4.7L V8 Dodge Dakota. I'd buy a diesel version of it in a heartbeat. I could still get the power/hauling ability needed but have the mileage to justify having the pickup.

    But now with the possibility of having $5/gal gas looming, the 18 HWY MPG may force my hand.

    Had the truck for over 5 years, but it may get too cost prohibitive to keep.

    I take it you need to haul, tow stuff often enough that not having the truck would be painful.

    My dad refuses to get rid of there 1995 Ram that gets like 15 MPG HWY on a good day because it is nice to have a truck for when stuff needs to be hauled or we need the bed.
    Mind you the truck has been pretty much reduced to just that type of duty or if one of our other cars are out of action for one reason or another it is a spare vehicle.

    SUV and trucks have their places. Problem I see is to many people only want trucks when really in a family with 2 vehicles you really only need a max of 1 SUV/truck between them and a car for the rest. That is how my parents did it for a while. SUV for my mom/family car and a gas and my dad drove a car.

    Dad car mainly went 2 and from work and my mom SUV was for when the family went somewhere together and my mom drove it to and from work but my mom drove like 6 miles each way compared to my dads near 30 miles each way.

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  • vitaflo
    Nov 28, 11:15 AM
    Microsoft lost billions on the Xbox and likely to lose hundreds of millions on their Zune attempt. iPod sales have been profitable for Apple since their introduction. How one measures success in this industry can't always be marketshare.

    Given that the Xbox's market share was only about 20%, you probably can't use market share as a measure either.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 9, 05:01 PM
    Yes. Left or right hand drive. I prefer a right hand drive manual as I'm left handed. Lucky for me they moved the stick shift to the middle of the car from the outside many years ago.

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  • codymac
    Jan 10, 10:37 PM
    I really don't car about close racing in F1 as I would just prefer teams the engineering to be unregulated (except for safety). My opinion I believe is in the minority.

    Not at all. I yearn for the days of Can-Am and Group B racing - racing was dangerous and sex was safe back in those days.

    For road based cars, I want close racing.

    That has its limits though. Some of last season's GT1 races looked more like crash testing than racing.

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  • Icaras
    Apr 21, 08:57 PM
    Because they did it with Snow Leopard and the MacBook, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Air in the summer of 2009.

    Yup, exactly. I had purchased the 2009 MBPs in July, which came out in June....SL came out in August...Fortunately, Apple offered a nice grace period for new Mac purchases made a month before SL's release and I was able to get the upgrade for free.

    I imagine the same will happen with Lion.

    Robin Chung
    Mar 25, 04:29 PM
    That's amazing! The hardware is moving so fast now, the gains are incredible. Hopefully many more ios developers will take some time to create amazing features like these.

    May 3, 12:10 PM
    They are fine on my 07 8 cores Mac Pro. Even light encoding is fine...

    Nov 28, 03:13 PM
    I would argue, that MS success isn't because of it's OS, it's because of third party support.

    Take Windows. It's horrible, but too many companies have too much software invested in Windows software.
    Take the XBox, the X box was built on DirectX, which made it much easier to program than the PS2. So third party companies could program for the XBox.

    The Zune is from scratch, no third party companies to help push it. No corprate ITs to demand you buy it and use it.

    The Zune is what Microsoft is without its monopoly.

    Jun 23, 06:44 PM
    but frankly, I'm a mouse/keyboard gal and don't need to get any closer to my iMac than I already am.

    I hope this isn't case because I'd hate to see the great computers that Apple produce be reduced to hybrid iMacs and other like-minded prosumer type machines. May this just remain a rumor.

    While I like the Jetsons, I don't need computers like theirs.

    Nov 20, 01:58 PM
    I think the number or cores will finally level off for a while once 8 core machines
    become mainstream.Mainstream? I doubt any 8+ core users will be mainstream outside of commercial use.The next goal will be production refinements like 45 nm production for greater energy efficiency.I'll be surprised if that won't lead to a 16-core offering about a year from now or next winter 2008 at the latest. We are about to go from 4 to 8 in little over a year and a half to begin with. So I would guestimate the graduation from 8 to 16 will be in less time than it was from 4 to 8. So i would say that would not be a leveling off.Software developers will need to re-train or hire new software engineers who know how to take advantage of multi-core architecture.Well I'm still into the idea that multi-tasking can be just as big a driver of the need for more cores as multi-threaded within each. So I'm not sure we need to wait for software developers to "catch up". I know I'm not alone when I say I could use 16 cores in a Mac Pro right now with the existing base of software that already exists.The big question for those who must have the newest, most powerful system will be how much RAM they'll need to take advantage of the new architecture.I know that the primary applications I could use all this power for do not use much ram at all. So this specification may vary a lot among users.There are quite a few audio/video production professionals wondering how all this
    will help to improve their workflow capabilties.Wondering? I'm pretty sure most are not wondering - more like eagerly anticipating due to KNOWING it will improve workflow tremendously.


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