justin bieber thoughts pictures

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 21:55

justin bieber thoughts pictures. photos justin bieber at
  • photos justin bieber at

  • Proud Liberal
    Aug 16, 09:51 AM
    That is what i don't get, what is really going to be included in a wireless iPod? The only thing i could see is that it gets the ability to purchase music from iTunes or you stream internet radio or something. Also, the waste of wireless syncing to a computer. Am i missing something bigger?

    Count me in too...just don't get what you would need wifi for in an iPod...one download (especially video) from iTunes would kill the battery. I prefer the KISS approach to electronic devices - keep it simple, stupid.

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. justin bieber drawing contest.
  • justin bieber drawing contest.

  • Linito
    Sep 6, 09:30 AM
    Poop. And I was hoping for a $100 price drop.

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. Justin Bieber At The Black
  • Justin Bieber At The Black

  • da_sebsta
    Apr 2, 06:09 AM
    While i dont agree with imac_Japan that apple needs saving there needs to be changes in its attitude with markets other then US especially in Australia by apple.I live in Aus It is no wonder that apple is struggling in here, other then the ipod there sales arent ne thing to write home about and the main reason this is because of the inflated price of there products over the price in US. When people see other computers in shops for the quater of the price with marketing to make it look faster and better no wander peple arnt buying macs here.

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. is justin bieber is gay.
  • is justin bieber is gay.

  • SactoGuy18
    Jan 2, 04:41 PM
    I personally think we'll see this:

    1) 2G iPod nano available in 16 GB edition. Apple drops the 2 GB edition and lowers the price of the 4 GB to $175 and 8 GB to $225.

    2) 30 GB 5.5G iPod dropped, replaced by new 40 GB model. 80 GB model has no changes.

    3) "True" video iPod (about the size of the Samsung Q1 handheld computer) arrives with 16:9 aspect ratio screen with full touchscreen functions. Will offer either 80 GB or 120 GB hard disk drive capacities.

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. baby justin bieber piano
  • baby justin bieber piano

  • Manic Mouse
    Aug 19, 07:24 AM
    Except at a lot of Starbucks that internet functionality comes at a cost, which is my point.

    May be bliss, but not until we have a sound infrastructure. And I have been on some really shoddy networks, which ends up becoming far more frustrating than worthwhile, to the point where I just slam my PDA into my pocket and curse inaudibly.

    I'm already surfing the net in my home on my PSP when I can't be bothered booting up my PC, as are many others. I would much rather be able to read/write emails while on a sofa watching TV (like text messaging) rather than hunched over a computer. It's not just the internet access either: Being able to use a decent version of iCal etc would make the iPod your personal assistant and something you couldn't do without.

    Media players have been done to death. Companies are already looking into creating this kind of device (and have with MYLO).

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. Thoughts on his mar drives
  • Thoughts on his mar drives

  • Bregalad
    Apr 19, 11:15 PM
    The new CPU ships February 20 and it takes two months for supplies to become constrained. Knowing Apple they'll deliberately hold off another month just to make sure they're a full quarter behind everyone else. After all desktop computers are so last century. Except that "we" need something to plug our iDevices into.

    I don't though. My only iDevice is a touch that's now too old to accept the latest OS and there's zero chance that I'll ever buy another one of those. I can't justify the monthly charges for an iPhone and the iPad is pointless if you don't live in coffee shops and carry your life around in a messenger bag.

    Part of me is glad Apple is doing well, but I don't see any indications that Apple will ever again make products for me. Guess I need to start learning about "distros".

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. Justin Bieber#39;s Vanity Fair cover was only the beginning. The teenage pop phenomenon has affirmatively infiltrated the fashion magazine world, snagging the
  • Justin Bieber#39;s Vanity Fair cover was only the beginning. The teenage pop phenomenon has affirmatively infiltrated the fashion magazine world, snagging the

  • hob
    Aug 6, 09:09 PM
    Oh my

    it's like christmas come early

    infact it's better

    christmas sucks, and it's cold

    WWDC is my favourite holiday :p

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. justin bieber love.
  • justin bieber love.

  • lyzardking
    May 1, 07:19 PM
    congrats to lyzardking for 7 million points!

    i see your output is up! care to share what machines you got folding?

    one 08 MP 2.8 dual quad

    two 09 MP 2.26 dual quads

    I finally got inCrease to push my key to F@H, although it looks like one (one of the newer PMs) isn't getting the bonus... I'll have to check when I get back.

    I could never get the Console one to work right....

    I just saw that my user name is/was being listed multiple times, I wonder if that has anything to do with it (I thought I wasn't getting any points from the console)


    justin bieber thoughts pictures. justin bieber jokes for kids.
  • justin bieber jokes for kids.

  • sandro21
    Nov 5, 04:05 AM
    They are just doing it for publicity I bet...

    I've only had one dropped call with my iPhone 4

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. Justin Bieber nearly bit his
  • Justin Bieber nearly bit his

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Apr 20, 02:24 PM
    Yes, but probably not as good as one who drives them on a daily basic.

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • jxyama
    Mar 19, 05:20 PM
    please dont put words in my mouth, for around $1500 i would like a G5 2.0 and a ati 9600xp or better. for $1700 give me a 9800.

    sorry, no offense meant.

    i think for your needs, it would be really nice if apple could somehow establish a small, niche (but still profittable) section of product lineup for people who are knowledgeable and willing to put together their own custom macs...

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. a picture of justin bieber
  • a picture of justin bieber

  • pixelvandal
    Sep 6, 07:48 PM
    I can not believe how long it has taken me to finally bother to register here...And it has taken the release of an iMac to do it. I have never wanted an iMac, I've always been a 'pro' user - video editor, shake operator etc. I am still perfectly happy using my G5, plenty of grunt, and to be honest - wasn't really tempted to buy a MacPro, not for a little while anyway.
    Then Apple drops the 24" iMac & I'm suddenly thinking, OMG I wan't one of those, in fact i think I will 'retire' my G5 (to a render machine anyway)...then I start reading the same retarded posts about Apple not having a mid sized desktop machine, complaining that they want more hard drive bays, that they 'have' to buy an iMac as a AIO...
    For god sake's wake up & smell the roses...buy the iMac, stick your existing monitor on it & have twice the desktop...Apple will never release a mid-sized tower...
    Who really wants more internal drives anyway? I have no less than eight external firewire drives, I fill them up so quickly that I wouldn't want to have them internal anyway...so stop complaing and shell out for an external drive - they're much more flexible & with FW800 plenty speedy - even for HD capture.
    And do we honestly need to complain about the graphics card again??? Get over it the 7600 is a fine card, after all this is a 'consumer' workstation. If you really want to stick ten drives in your machine, six video cards, 4000Gb of ram - buy a MacPro - it's what they are built for!
    I realise that you can never satisfy everyone all the time, but as a loooonnnngggg time Apple user I can honestly say that Apple are providing us with plenty of options, realistically more than ever before.

    PS - please stop whinging about your MB & MBP in the iMac thread, I'm sure there's more appropriate venues...

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. Check out Justin Bieber#39;s new
  • Check out Justin Bieber#39;s new

  • iDAG
    Jan 11, 08:07 PM
    AirMac is actually the name of an Apple product in Japan. I believe its just an Airport



    LOL then IDK what to call a Mac with Air :) Maybe it just has a ton of fans in it so everyone can stop whining about how hot there notebook is. :cool:

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. new justin bieber haircut
  • new justin bieber haircut

  • The.316
    Nov 26, 06:52 AM
    Logitech diNovo Mac Edition Keyboard
    I finally decided that I couldn't put up with not having a number pad any longer. Feels good to have a full sized keyboard again.

    Ive been contemplating this keyboard because of the same reasons. I have a question for anyone that can answer this...I use the new Logitech Performance MX, which uses the same mini usb connector, can I use that to connect the keyboard as well, or do I have to add a second USB connector for the keyboard?

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. Justin Bieber has already
  • Justin Bieber has already

  • sparksinspace
    Sep 6, 11:23 AM
    just bought a core solo mac mini a week ago.. kind of weird I did the same when the iBooks were moved go G4 a while back, a couple of weeks earlier I had bought a G3 model..

    oh well.. it's still a great machine. with a bit more memory it'll do just fine as the build machine for our software.

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. Justin Bieber,
  • Justin Bieber,

  • RaceTripper
    Jan 10, 07:50 PM
    So very sad but true. F1 fan here, and rally if I can ever find time to watch it. I might not be a F1 fan for much longer though if they keep making "the ultimate racing machine" slower and slower by limiting the technology :mad: I understand the safety reasons, but its getting to be worse than the bicycle world:eek:
    I was a big F1 fan, but once the USGP got cancelled my wife and I became huge ALMS fans. Evey year we go to the 12 Hours of Sebring, Road America, and Petit Le Mans. The racing is much better than in F1, and the series is far more fan friendly. I've even started working in the hot pits doing IMSA pit notes during races, in addition to the race photography I have been doing for fun.

    One point to consider about F1 rules changes. Slowing the cars down could improve the on track action. Right now they are so fast they get too spread out and it becomes a parade of cars with the action being how the gaps change. When you slow the cars down they start to bunch together again and force some wheel to wheel battles. The turbo 4-bangers coming in a few years could prove to add some excitement back to F1, even if it does cost us the terrific sound of high revving V8 engines. The rule changes aren't so much about safety as they are about trying to get a race to ensue.

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • poppe
    Jul 14, 12:31 PM
    DVC-PRO is a Panasonic created format.


    Oops... I stand Corrected...

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. justin bieber 2011 wallpaper.
  • justin bieber 2011 wallpaper.

  • macidiot
    Jul 19, 04:33 PM
    When the "real" machines are out, Vista will be out as well. Unless Leopard has revolutionary improvements, the difference between Windows and OSX+iLife would be much less than that it is today. I would still appreciate the UNIX under the hood, but I doubt most consumers care. If Mac sales or market share starts to come down a bit due to fewer switchers, the share price could easily crash.

    Vista vs. Leopard is a moot point. There is enough pent up demand for high end desktops to fuel growth for some time. Switchers aren't material in this market. Besides, desktop buyers aren't waiting for Leopard, they are waiting for universal binaries from Adobe.

    Vista will have zero near term effect. The simple truth is that you won't see widespread adoption of Vista for at least 12-18 months. And that is assuming Vista actually ships when it is supposed to. Which is no sure thing.

    As for the consumer, what they care about is stability and security. imo, that is what is getting switchers. Your right that they don't care how it's being done. However, Vista will be far more secure than xp when it comes out. At least for a month or so. It will take at least a few weeks for good malware to come out for it...

    justin bieber thoughts pictures. Justin Bieber
  • Justin Bieber

  • CEAbiscuit
    Nov 27, 01:43 PM
    After using a 23, the 20 seems small. If someone is looking for an allin one solution, instead of a mini and a monitor, they should just get an iMac. The move makes no sense.

    Oct 23, 08:16 AM
    Don't you end up spending so much money on tax when you enter the UK again that it isn't really worth it?

    Not if you open it, load some stuff onto it and take it through customs in your carry-on. Get rid of the box and nobody can say that you didn't buy it in the UK and are just coming home.

    Nov 8, 07:09 PM
    bigadv are not available on windows but many are running virtual machines...

    Aha! I knew it, those widozers breaking the rulz again!

    Sep 6, 04:40 PM
    It may have been introduced then, but that wasn't the last time it was refreshed . See here (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/05/20060516092750.shtml) which is actually on May 16th.

    Come on, apple updated the MBP before it even shipped! The pace of things are different nowadays.

    the MBP WILL get C2D in the next ~2 weeks tops.

    Nov 27, 12:17 PM
    Thanks to Black Friday, I ended up with...
    -LG Blu-Ray Player
    -HDMI Switch
    -The Hangover on Blu-Ray
    -Grown Ups on Blu-Ray
    -HDMI Cable
    -Need for Speed Hot Pursuit
    -A hard drive cover for my HP tablet I got for free

    Feb 24, 03:13 AM
    Hold it right there! The Kia models sold in Europe actually nowadays borrow from the current Hyundai Motor Company parts bin, and as such are way more civilized cars. Anyone who's driven the Kia Cee'd hatchback in Europe know it's a way better car than people think.

    Your using Hyundai to make Kia/Chevy seem a good car?! hah, the ONLY good Hyundai is the Coupe, all the others are pretty nasty.

    Most of the dealerships here lump Proton, Hyundai and Kia... why? they are cheap cars for mums and old people that goto the supermarket, they are no where near upto the quality of the big german cars. Even most jap cars are pretty rubbish to be honest, even Honda dealers are shutting down left, right and centre, GM (Opel/Vauxhall's) new Astra's and the other bigger horrible thing, seem to have just styled them on the Japanese cars... yuk! World cars do not work, different markets want different things.

    justin bieber id

    Posted by bodrong | | Posted On at 21:53

    justin bieber id. ieber fever id. Justin Bieber
  • ieber fever id. Justin Bieber

  • Mercury
    Apr 2, 07:02 PM
    interesting. Wonder if they'll keep variations of this in rotation while adding model-specific ones?

    justin bieber id. make a ieber fever id. Justin
  • make a ieber fever id. Justin

  • avkills
    Dec 29, 08:53 AM
    It might also have the capacity to use a TV as a monitor through wireless airport. If there is a video processor, word processing text will also be crisp and clean. I could get a mac mini and iTV and use my new 42�� plasma as the monitor. :p

    You're not going to get broadcast quality computer -> video scaling at $299, which means your text is not going to be crisp.

    It works for movies because there is much color and luma variation.

    Now if you hook the Mini directly to the plasma and can drive the plasma at the native resolution, then it will probably look fine.


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  • justin bieber id card. justin

  • poppe
    Sep 1, 12:43 PM
    hopefully this 23 inch one adds something more than just a bigger screen....such as component RGB input which would allow me to hook my my xbox 360 to play. that would RULE.

    of course, that is unlikely.

    does anyone actually know how to use iMac screen to play xbox 360?

    I doubt this will ever happen until they come out with ACD that have component or composite.

    I've heard alot of people ask about the 360 being hooked up to it, but what i've heard it wont work with out lagging. I wanted to hook up my gCube and soon to be Wii to my MBP with the elegato(or what ever its called) but all I heard was lag stories....

    justin bieber id. ieber id.
  • ieber id.

  • roland.g
    Sep 1, 12:56 PM
    I was going to do a Mac Mini with a Ministack. I didn't like the idea of the iMac because of the integrated aspect. I already have a 19" display and would upgrade to a 23" ACD when iSight gets added. However my two hangups on the Mini were the 5400 RPM drive and integrated GPU - I want to use it for a lot of iMovie and eventually Final Cut Express. The 23" comes out and I am all over that. So, please please please make it in reduced chin aluminum. Sexy sells.

    justin bieber id. Browse other justin-ieber-one
  • Browse other justin-ieber-one

  • Bonfire
    Apr 3, 03:16 AM
    Mine did too. Returned it to Apple, got a new one in 10 days. No bleeding.:D

    As does mine. Great device otherwise, but unfortunately it will be going back to the Apple store on monday.

    justin bieber id. Justin Bieber, Id Love To Do a
  • Justin Bieber, Id Love To Do a

  • Multimedia
    Sep 1, 12:54 PM
    23" Imac is a great size. Add HD resolution then that's great.
    I would love to see dual display support. But I highly doubt they will allow it. Apple wants to make sure there is a distinction between their consumer and pro line. It would be cool to have the Imac 23" with a 23" Cinema display next to it.You must have been asleep for the past 8 months. Since the January Intel iMacs, they already have spaning support up to the 23" 1920x1200 external displays. The advance we need is DUAL-DVI so they can span to $2k 30" displays Apple would love to sell more of.

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  • he isjustin drew ieber id

  • Peace
    Jul 19, 05:39 PM
    I'm about ready to buy a 20" iMac but I want the new OS. How long do I have to wait?

    not as long as Vista customers will have to wait :D

    justin bieber id. justin bieber new cut hair.
  • justin bieber new cut hair.

  • roadbloc
    Apr 1, 10:13 AM
    Guess why they are the only two removable apps?


    Were them two apps downloaded via the Mac App Store by any chance?

    justin bieber id. archuleta+vs+justin+ieber
  • archuleta+vs+justin+ieber

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 6, 06:08 PM
    It costs me nothing to walk into town (about 10 minutes) or bike (5) and pick up a DVD at the municipal library for �1.50. Occasionally I'll copy it to my hard disk if I didn't have the time I thought I would have to watch it and watch it later, then delete it.

    Unlike music, you rarely watch a movie twice. Why buy or store these on your hard disk for longer than it takes to view it?

    I've not bought a movie since 1995 on VHS. It's was just kind of silly having them litter up your shelves then and your hard disk now.

    justin bieber id. +to+love+justin+ieber Id
  • +to+love+justin+ieber Id

  • CplBadboy
    Apr 19, 01:16 PM

    The news Ive been waiting for and not a blinking boring update to the iPhone being white. Maxed out iMac here we come. Its been long time coming. Happy Chappy:D

    justin bieber id. justin bieber interviews
  • justin bieber interviews

  • Built
    Apr 2, 10:08 PM
    Apparently "virtually every" doesn't mean what you think it means.

    Those who don't see the light bleed are simply in denial. It is a known problem affecting this version of the iPad. If you took a few minutes to read the iPad forum, you'd know that.

    justin bieber id. Pics+of+justin+ieber+and+
  • Pics+of+justin+ieber+and+

  • EJR
    Sep 14, 09:04 PM
    I caved and decided to just go ahead and order the Incipio dermaSHOT case today. I'm really waiting for Otterbox to release their new case, but apparently they haven't even made a final decision on it yet and I'm going to need something to hold me over till they do, so this seemed to be the best choice for me right now. I'm pretty sure a screen protector would have cost me about 5 bucks after shipping, so 19.99 for both the case/screen protector/stand looked like a pretty good deal to me. I'll put pics up whenever I do receive it.

    Thanks guys.

    justin bieber id. LOOK AT MY JUSTIN BIEBER ID

  • liketom
    Jul 19, 04:56 PM
    Wow, he basically just revealed they're working on an iPhone...
    nope just putting iTunes on the phone

    justin bieber id. +i+smile+by+justin+ieber
  • +i+smile+by+justin+ieber

  • rk1991
    Nov 28, 12:08 PM
    Just got back from Mexico and during my time there had a run in with the local police. This is common as hire cars have different colour number plates so the police can easily pick you out of a crowd. Apparently we were 'speeding'. It's all fun and games though. I got the fine down from about $400 US to 1000 pesos. We were warned this would happen when we arrived and should just look at it as an extra 'toll'. I could have probably got it down lower but it was hot and we had a long way to go still.

    At the end of the negotiation you get a form to sign with how much you paid and then you have to sign your name. The document is cleary made in something like Word and it's in no way official....I signed it Ben T Copper! :p

    Corruption FTW!

    justin bieber id. Bieber ID for @KellyyBieberrx
  • Bieber ID for @KellyyBieberrx

  • 28monkeys
    Mar 22, 08:44 PM
    Never abandon your classic. That is company's identity

    justin bieber id. justin bieber bieber fever
  • justin bieber bieber fever

  • zap2
    Apr 8, 04:00 PM
    So who's Obama gonna blow up next? Syria, Yemen?

    Not just Obama's attack....yes, signed on, but there was a request for rebels. I don't have as issue with the West using their military power for support, but there should be an internal force that wants the change and us strong enough to at least use some force without the West.

    justin bieber id. make your own ieber fever id.
  • make your own ieber fever id.

  • whoooaaahhhh
    Jul 14, 09:54 AM
    Good post, sums up the current situation very nicely.

    Given that dual layer 50GB blu-ray discs cant even be produced yet, i think the 200GB claim is complete vaporware.

    I hope HD-DVD wins this war soon, as it is out of the gates first, and thus far a far superior format. If Blu-Ray were to give up now, i dont think many people would be sad. One format is better for everyone.


    First of all, Blu-Ray discs are a completely new material and fabrication process, so highlighting the fact that they've only made 25GB discs (which were stable-ly created long before almost ANY HD-DVD's) and can't produce a disk which is far above the specs of the competition, is like saying screw the russians cuz they're space program hasn't sent a man to mars (nobody's done it yet, anyway). You can't blame Blu-Ray for not being able to deliver 50 GB yet, the meat of the war is just beginning anyway.

    Secondly, what was said about the VC-1 codec is very wrong. Microsoft's VC-1 codec is far worse and more difficult to work with than MPEG 2 or MPEG 4 that sony will probably offer in later versions of Blu-Ray. All this malarky about artifacts doesn't really make sense when you consider that we've been USING MPEG2 IN DVD'S FOR YEARS NOW! There's no way that the algorithim could be to blame for the artifacts! Sure it's fatter, but it's a lighter compression, and as Sony has shown with their PCM Audio on Blu-Ray, sometimes light compression on a bigger disk is better than heavy compression on smaller disks. It will be a lot easier to change to a more efficient codec down the line (which is what we've done with computers time and time again, as well as professional video) so we can get Ultra HD on Blu Ray when it comes out as well.

    I'm sorry, I understand people really want HD-DVD to win because it's easier and cheaper right now, but since when has the easiest option been the best? If Blu-Ray doesn't win this war we'll have another short life-span format, this version of HD will not be enough for the professional industry much longer, take it from a video guy. I've written a frickin' paper on this very subject.

    IMHO I'd like to see a Blu-Ray with the Mac Pro's to help solidify the consumer base into purchasing a better product, because that's how you standardize something in the market...sales...But I don't know that it will happen. Although remember DVD-RAM? Apple seemed to like that for awhile...that died...

    I also don't want microsoft handling my video codec, anybody remember the wonderous creation of WMV/WMA? The one that like none of us can use on macs? HD-DVD's codec is a derivation of the WMV-HD codec. Welcome to the Microsoft reality. They really like controlling proprietary codecs. Also...MPEG was created by a group of companies and people working together, Microsoft created WMV, so they've got almost complete say in how that plays out.

    justin bieber id. +i+smile+by+justin+ieber
  • +i+smile+by+justin+ieber

  • mahonmeister
    Nov 27, 01:15 PM
    Apple is making good strides in filling the holes in their line-up. Still a ways to go if they want their market share to keep climbing.

    justin bieber id. Concert+justin+ieber+in+
  • Concert+justin+ieber+in+

  • yojitani
    Sep 6, 09:16 PM
    Sure this has been said more than once here, but those prices, for DVD quality films, are waaaay too much. This is what is called gouging. They supply film and bandwidth, we need bandwidth, HD space - and don't get case, cover, etc. So they reduce overheads and charge the same:rolleyes: . Now, if this was a program for which you paid a nominal fee for membership, they supplied a 500GB USB2 drive, and you could download to your heart's content... something like that... maybe....


    Sep 20, 07:50 PM

    And I used a Nikon D5000 with 50mm F/1.4G lens. :cool:

    What was the checkout like? Did you have to go through their checkout? I'm always suspicious of those places, and am concerned that they're using unsecured special checkouts and/or are stealing identities. And I'm not usually a suspicious person.

    But it's hard to resist for $1.00. The Griffin Reveal I bought was a ridiculous $25.

    Do these fit on the cases snugly or are they kind of loose?

    Apr 7, 09:10 AM
    Thats not true ! Ive been reading everyone's posts but you just don't want to see both sides of the story. I just want Apple to do better...

    Look at this business weekly online story about Apple - very interesting


    really, this is what Ive been taking about...I think that most Mac users don't want to hear it

    and this one too


    ok, YOU listen to "our side" of the story now!!!!! The point is, apple is NOT dying, they do not need saving, blah blah blah. just read the 100 posts above mine explaining this to you, but you refusing to listen. If you want apple to do better, then think that and leave the rest of us alone. I myself wouldn't mind having more of my contacts using a mac so i wouldn't have to do tech support for them all the time, but then again, that would cut down on people who force money on me for it..... :D

    Aug 31, 02:49 PM
    Really?! This is very interesting. Are they already shipping then?


    Mar 24, 02:03 PM
    Can it run crysis 2?

    of course, didn't you hear the consoles can run it too...

    Feb 5, 02:09 PM
    2002 Audi A4. 18th birthday present

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz

    Posted by bodrong | | Posted On at 21:49

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • nospeed411
    Feb 18, 04:41 PM
    I want that poster!!! Where did you get it?

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. justin bieber kissing
  • justin bieber kissing

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 26, 05:31 PM
    People on this board claim "app store" is generic and so the trademark is invalid. Yet the trademark application process proceeded to the point that Apple was approved to begin using it.

    If the people claiming "app store" cannot be trademarked for the same reasons they claim "pet store" cannot be trademarked were to be believed, then this is a cut and dry case. Yet if it were as simple as they claim, apple's application process would not have made it this far.

    So take their words with a grain of salt.

    In the end, Apple may lose the trademark. But considering the fact that placing the word "the" in front of a seemingly generic name appears to make a difference, perhaps apple should apply for "the app store" now.

    As for Amazon, I don't think Apple will win this case. The name of Amazon's store is "Amazon Appstore".

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. Justin Bieber Selan Gomez
  • Justin Bieber Selan Gomez

  • Vegasman
    May 2, 05:37 PM
    iOS style multitasking features (benefits) are indeed in Lion.

    Applications written for Lion can "suspend and resume" without having to "save and close" documents. The reason the little light below running apps on the Dock was removed is that "running" is now more of a decision between the App and OS -- not so much the user. (APP - "Am I idle right now? Can I resume from this point very quickly? If so, I'll just suspend myself till the user or an event wakes me back up. No need to burn RAM or CPU, the user won't even notice I'm not here.)

    Uh? Don't our apps and operating systems already do this automatically already?

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  • songjustin bieber kissing

  • AlligatorBloodz
    Apr 19, 12:39 PM
    I don't know if this goes along with it. But Best Buy has recently sold out online of the Mac Pro as well. A few weeks ago the $2500 one sold out, and I just checked today and the $3500 is sold out as well. I bet Apple refreshes both the iMac and the Mac Pro real soon.

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. video of justin bieber kissing
  • video of justin bieber kissing

  • leekohler
    Mar 22, 11:45 AM
    I love how "gays" freak out when non-homosexual people do something. But yet when "gays" want to do something extreme it's because we don't accept them, so when they get in trouble it's a huge ordeal.

    To me this is like the people that don't support war. If a veteran was killed in action and a funeral is happening they can picket the funeral all day long (talk about bull ****!) But yet if we don't let them picket they freak out scream free rights free rights. Well guess what those veterans (me included since I serve) gave them that freedom to stand there in picket.

    Gays are the same way. I have no issue with gays, I don't agree with it but if your gay, be gay. Just don't expect the world to conform to your way of life, especially a country (United States) founded on Christianity. If anything go to a foreign country and complain then see how bad it really is to come out, unless it's Amsterdam, Iraq or Afghan they'll love your butt over there.

    Oh hell yes, you have a problem with gays. You just basically told us to shut up. Just because things are worse in other countries does not mean we don't work to make things better here. And you don't make things better by keeping quiet.

    The United States was also NOT FOUNDED ON CHRISTIANITY. There is not national religion in this country and it is expressly forbidden to do so in our Constitution.

    You don't like hearing gay people scream for our rights? Well then, give us our rights. We'll shut up. Until then, expect to hear it a lot more.

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. their kiss,selena gomez
  • their kiss,selena gomez

  • aussie_geek
    Oct 23, 08:17 PM
    ...or that may come when Santa Rosa is introduced, after which the chipset will be able to address more than 3.2 GB of physical RAM, and may have better support for 64 bit APIs...

    BINGO - as i said in a previous post.

    Santa rosa is the one to hang out for. core2duo merom is the equivalent of an "Apple Speed Bump next tuesday".

    Nothing to cream over. Nothing to hold off for :rolleyes: :p


    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. justin-ieber-selena-gomez
  • justin-ieber-selena-gomez

  • rezenclowd3
    Jan 3, 03:19 AM
    Just picked up this on Saturday:
    (Sold my 96 Audi A4 2.8L 3 weeks ago. I must say, I do NOT recommend Audi engines, even though I had no problems.)

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • karmapolice63
    Jan 12, 05:22 PM
    is it just me or does it seem like apple is becoming the Wonka factory for computers?

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • jbanger
    Nov 23, 06:19 PM
    Small Pelican case for my Oakley Glasses, (as seen on the last page of the XIV Purchases Thread)

    Have room for another pair too, Maybe I'll find another pair that I like in the future.


    you planning on treating them rough?

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. Just when you thought Justin
  • Just when you thought Justin

  • AlphaDogg
    Feb 17, 11:52 PM
    here's my current setup. I finally got a Intel Mac and it will become to main machine soon. In the Pic is everything in the sig but the IIc and Performa.
    Nice setup! It has a little bit of everything in it!

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. justin bieber kissing selena
  • justin bieber kissing selena

  • iMikeT
    Jan 1, 06:43 PM
    I thought the keynote was scheduled to take place on Jan 8.:confused:

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. Think andpage justin zac efron
  • Think andpage justin zac efron

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 2, 04:21 PM
    Nope, the new Jetta is built in Mexico. Off the top of my head, I'd say that the only German-built Volkswagens you can buy in the USA are the GTI and Tiguan. The Phaeton and R32 are (or were) also German-made. The Touareg is built in Slovakia, the Routan is built by Chrysler, and the Jetta, non-GTI Golf (except the R32) and New Beetles are all made in Mexico. Not sure about the Eos.

    My father bought a 1988 Jetta brand new and it was a lemon. It had every issue under the sun, not the least of which is that it rusted terribly in five years (big holes in the floor and wheelwells!). I agree that the Mexican-built Volksawgens have struggled with build quality at times over the years, but that sweet Audi 1.8 turbo was a great motor.

    As for the Cruze, I'm not sure how GM would manage a US-market diesel version. My best guess is that the diesel model would be built alongside the other US-market Cruzes at the Lordstown, OH assembly plant using complete VM Motori engines shipped from Italy.

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. Selena Gomez amp; Justin locked
  • Selena Gomez amp; Justin locked

  • Xero910
    Mar 31, 10:11 AM
    Regarding the launchpad... I can't remove applications anymore...
    When I click "option" the icons get to "shake" but there is not X sign to click to delete the app... they just wiggle and can't be deleted.
    Any of you the same?

    Also very difficult to move them around...

    In my experience launchpad was working better on preview 1!

    Yea it's a little buggy right now. You can delete apps the same as as before with some added frustration.

    1. Press and hold, CMD+OPT+CTRL (so they all wiggle)
    2. Next press and hold one app until they stop wiggling.
    3. Now click the apps you want once to delete them.
    4. Make sure you hold those 3 keys throughout all steps.

    The only thing I haven't figured out yet is adding apps manually. When I drag them to the LaunchPad icon, nothing happens.

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. Justin-ieber-selena-gomez-
  • Justin-ieber-selena-gomez-

  • regandarcy
    Apr 19, 11:22 AM
    13" maybe, but the 11" doesn't look to be refreshed for a while. AFAIK Intel has as yet not announced a new CPU that is as low power as the Core2Duo in the 11" MBA.

    Along with a new iMac, I'd love to get a new MacBook air too. As much as I LOVE my iPad as the BEST way to surf the web...it's not as versatile a tool when on the road as I had hoped. Even tho the iPad 2 has iMovie now, you can only edit movies shot on apple iOS devices with it. Imovie on the ipad won't let you import And edit HD movies directly from your camera...which sucks.

    Anyway...if the new MacBook airs get sandy bridge, thunderbolt and BIGGER flash drives I will pick one up in a...um....FLASH! Seriously. I love the fact that Apple is phasing out the CD/DVD drives. Don't need em, don't want em. BUT the biggest thing stopping me from getting a MacBook air has been the HD size. Even the 256gb drive is pushing it for my needs. A 320gb flash drive or better yet, a 500gb flash drive in one of these babies would have me drooling. If they can get the prices down is the big question. Might need another couple years for that to happen.

    Lastly, come on Apple...4gigs of ram should be standard. :-) heh heh heh.

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. Justin Bieber Kissing A Boy
  • Justin Bieber Kissing A Boy

  • gwangung
    Apr 21, 11:49 AM
    Once again, people are going off half cocked, without knowing anything about either the law or the technical details (and, sorry, but the details MATTER).

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. selena-gomez-justin-ieber
  • selena-gomez-justin-ieber

  • mrgreen4242
    Nov 28, 10:43 AM
    OK, this is out of hand... all of you who are complaining about Dell being half the price of the Apple LCDs read the topic that's been linked like 5 times, it's pretty interesting and informative.

    Now, all of you who are complaining about those people complain shut up and listen (or read) for a minute. They aren't complaining that Apple is charging to much for what they are offering, it's that they aren't offering any alternative for non-pro users. There are people who want, and would pay a bit more than Dell prices, for a similar piece of hardware with Apple's quality and design, but they aren't willing to pay 50%+ more for a professional grade piece of hardware.

    A 17" consumer line of displays would solve the problem without negatively effecting the pro line of hardware. If it sold well (and I'm betting it would, especially if it was the same panel as the 17" iMac with a USB2 hub, iSight, and built in speakers in an iPod styled casing for ~$249) a 19" with the same features but a higher res (although all the 19" widescreens I've seen have had the same res as 17" WS ... someone must make a 19" panel with res between 1440x900 and 1680x1050) for ~$349 or so it'd really fill out Apple product line to meet the needs of all consumers, "prosumers", and real pros.

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. when Justin+ieber+kissing
  • when Justin+ieber+kissing

  • wordoflife
    Nov 27, 10:01 PM

    Was in the mood for one of these while getting my Mac looked at by a Genius..

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. the,justin bieber kisses
  • the,justin bieber kisses

  • whooleytoo
    Mar 24, 02:00 PM
    Is it unusual for Apple to start supporting so many graphics chips in one release?

    If it was just to support a new line of iMacs/Mac Pros, they surely would only have 2 or 3 new chips. But 10? Please oh please tell me that with the increasing importance of games to Apple's bottom line, they're starting to take gaming more seriously.

    justin bieber kissing selena gomez on the lips tmz. Drew ieber episode,selena
  • Drew ieber episode,selena

  • PaperQueen
    Oct 2, 06:53 PM
    My dermashot case came in on Friday.. been using it since.

    My initial thoughts - this case looks cheap and has a loose feel.

    My thoughts now - the case has a nice style and even though it is not as snug as it should be, it fits fine. It has not fallen off at all and has a real nice feel too.

    As one of the first to get the Dermashot (see earlier posts in this thread), I’ve been living with it for a while now...and the loose fit has really become annoying. Sometimes, I have to “feel around” to get the power to toggle off since the button doesn’t want to stay properly aligned with the corresponding “lump” on the case.

    The one upside is that it does keep its nice jet black finish—isn’t a dust or fingerprint magnet like others.

    My quest for the perfect case continues...... :(

    Jan 12, 11:35 AM
    You never know. The same thing happened with the fat Nano rumor:

    True! People can spectulate all they like, but no one knows what Apple are planning! The "daft" Nano rocks! And so will this MacBook Air if it comes out, Apple NEVER fails to amaze! :D

    Nov 27, 04:49 PM
    According to vendors cited by the article, 17" widescreen monitors will not necessarily be more expensive than the current 17" 4:3 models.

    Do the math! A wide screen 17" display has fewer pixels than a 4:3 17" display (given the same dpi).

    So I sincerely hope they aren't going to charge more for a wide display that has less pixels than a 4:3 display.

    Oct 23, 04:32 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    MacGadget.de (German) (http://www.macgadget.de/) reports that MacBook Pro upgrades could take place as early as this week. Expected updates include Core 2 Duo upgrades as has long been expected as well as larger drives, FW800, and upgraded DVD drives.

    Meanwhile, product checks (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2163) indicate that several European hardware distributers "ran dry" of MacBook and MacBook Pro inventory several weeks ago.

    Rumors of MacBook Pro upgrades have been ongoing for weeks. The last MacRumors.com reported rumor from MacGadget.de comes from an iBook update prediction (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2004/10/20041015154040.shtml) in 2004. That rumor turned out to be true (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2004/10/20041019083450.shtml).

    and the rumor for this one will turn out to be true as well, and I'll be free from this waiting room. :)

    Apr 21, 12:20 PM
    Good catch! I just noticed this once you pointed it out.

    I will be having fun with this +1 deally...

    Chris Bangle
    Aug 16, 03:27 PM
    Couldn't the option to listen to Sirius be just another menu item?

    Bookmarking a song could be as simple as hitting one of the buttons on the click wheel.

    Satellite radio is just beginning. Why not partner up now and set the standard. Sirius subscribers would consider buying an ipod, current ipod owners like myself would want to upgrade...

    FORGET SIRIUS... Its not gonna happen. Why implement somthing that can ony be used in the USA. There are more countries in the world thaty buy ipods. If you want sirius buy a device with sirius, dont put this crap which only you people can use on ipods.