sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9

Posted by bodrong | | Posted On Friday 20 May 2011 at 22:44

sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. Sub-Zero and Scorpion can be
  • Sub-Zero and Scorpion can be

  • nagromme
    Oct 12, 02:20 PM
    I wouldn't want a red clickwheel unless it was metal. Red plastic would not match the rest well.

    PS, I wish the nano clickwheels lit up blinding white in the dark like on the ads :)

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. from Mortal Kombat vs DC
  • from Mortal Kombat vs DC

  • Ravich
    May 4, 03:32 AM
    What has Apple done since the iPhone:

    1. kill Xserve

    2. Drop their dedicated three ACD CCFL LCD lineup that was top notch and replaced with one stripped down iMac LED LCD

    3. Ditch "Resolution Independence" (it's been over 4 years, c'mon Apple!)

    4. Increased focus on iDevices and iOS (yeah, it's banked them $55+ billion, great, invest a small portion back into the Prosumer market Apple pulled away from with a full display line and a re-vamp of Pro-sumer desktops and apps, they revamped a mobile device market they can do the same with the Prosumer market and make money)

    5. Begin merging iOS with OS X Lion

    5. Funnel less money into Pro-Apps (Final Cut X is meh)

    6. Ditch ZFS+ development from Sun Microsystems to replace HFS+ before it was too late

    7. Wreck .Mac w/ MobileMe to market Windows iDevices owners w/ little Windows OS integration (iDisk, iLife, and FUNCTIONAL Office syncing are lacking making MobileMe a rip-off for Windows users)

    8. Replace reasonably priced PowerMac G4/5's w/ over priced/over powered Xeon Server based Mac Pro's and no serious revamp in over 8 years. PowerMac's cost anywhere from $1400+, were great for professional photographers/designers/professionals/small businesses, esp. paired w/ the late ACD CCFL line which worked perfectly with OS X.

    9. Drop focus on OS X development - iOS Lion is schizophrenic w/ iOS features in OS X: Launchpad, 2D Spaces, Mission Control, lack of TRIM for 3rd party Sandforce SSD's, painful ergonomic implementation of multi-touch w/ the "Magic Trackpad," etc.

    10. OpenGL is seriously lagging

    11. iLife '11 in 32-bit?!

    12. "Pro-sumer" App's such as Aperture "improvements" w/ "Share to Facebook." Keep that consumer shizz in iPhoto and focus on better professional tools Apple.

    13. Produce more than one LED LCD and w/ longer than 2' Mini-DisplayPort/USB chords (had to buy Griffen cables to extend both of my 24" LED LCD's to my 2010 Mac Pro at ~$30 each)

    15. iWork '11?

    16. iOS err, OS X App Store?

    17. USB 3.0?

    18. Blu-Ray (need I say more)

    19. Lack of "daisy chaining" display with Mini-DisplayPort. "ThunderBolt" ports can daisy chain but:

    I think I covered enough :)

    u mad bro?

    Seriously though. Most of that is just you being angry at apple. It has nothing to do with the Mac Pro. At all. Not including a blu-ray drive is a FAR bigger nuisance to consumers than it is to professional users, yet you list it because, what? You're angry?

    Apple has no reason to discontinue the Mac Pro.

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. scorpion vs sub zero mortal
  • scorpion vs sub zero mortal

  • rdrr
    Oct 12, 04:35 PM
    This will probably go over like a lead balloon, but there is something to be said for natural selection. NOW BEFORE YOU START SCREAMING, hear me out...

    AIDS is an awful thing, especially to the proportions it has affected the people of Africa. But there is also a reason AIDS has taken over there the way it is, and it's only partially to do with poverty. AIDS has exploded in that population, because it is a population that is extremely traditional, rudimentary, and in many ways archaic. There are many wonderful things about the African people, but there were also many wonderful things about the Dinosaurs, the Dodo bird, and numerous others.

    Please don't take this to mean I'm equating the people of Africa with wild animals. I'm not. But in many ways, the people of Africa are in the situation they are in because they have not evolved the same way as most of the world, and in that respect, they are paying a price. Yes, it is our responsibility as human beings to try and help people in need, and that is a wonderful thing. But at the end of the day, if we did nothing, there would still be a small percentage of African people who will survive this epidemic, and they will be more educated and elightened than the ones who do not.

    Much in the way that forest fires, although terrible in some respects, are essential to the rejuvenation of the population and ecosystem in that area, so too are epidemics and catastrophes. And this not a bash-on-Africa comment... the Black Plague was the same idea. Too many people, living in too close quarters, with too little regard for health or wellbeing. Millions died, but many survived, and the ones that did were smarter and wiser for it.

    The people of Africa are not necessarily as helpless as the may seem from the outside. They just have a different culture and mindset than Western people do. Right or wrong is not for us to decide, but adapting to nature is part of life on Earth... and sometimes that means that large numbers of people or animals die, needlessly or otherwise. Just my two cents.

    Dude... That has to be the most racist thing I have ever read! :eek:

    Evolved???? And comparing humans to natural selection of animals????

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. mortal kombat 9 scorpion vs
  • mortal kombat 9 scorpion vs

  • steve_hill4
    Aug 23, 05:36 PM
    A little-known company, and that was to create it's product. If apple buys one of their largest competitors, that will raise a few eyebrows.
    Think Microsoft strategy here. They settle with Creative for $100 million and Creative join the Made for iPod scheme. If they suceed and get back on their feet, it helps Apple argue they aren't anti-competition, if they fail, Creative fall by the wayside and Apple could perhpas snap them up for a bargain.

    Buy Creative now and thy will not only be accused of anti-competitive behaviour, but probably lose any cases over Fairplay.

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. mortal kombat 9 scorpion. sub
  • mortal kombat 9 scorpion. sub

  • Vegasman
    Apr 28, 11:06 PM
    I've always wondered what Windows's market share comes from pirated copies of Windows. There's a lot of pirated copies out there.. a lot..

    And they still managed to sell 350 million licenses of Windows 7 in 18 months. That's insane! I am telling you... I would like to sit in that room in either Redmond or Cupertino where you see the profit tote board being updated every second, or every minute or whatever. It must just make someone dizzy. It's like 45,000$ a minute. Of profit! Ridicurous. :)

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. mortal kombat 9 sub zero vs
  • mortal kombat 9 sub zero vs

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Nov 13, 11:41 PM
    Apple is a terrible company when it comes to ETHICS and people need to just understand that basic fact of life when dealing with them. They are greedy greedy greedy and they don't CARE what you think about them, what you want in a product and whether you wasted months working on an application that they just reject for the most ridiculous illogical reasons ever. This goes to show why NO COMPANY should be allowed to DICTATE (as in a dictatorship) terms for software releases on ANY platform (No, I don't care that it's based on a "phone" platform; it's STILL a computer; the iPod Touch is STILL a computer). We need a freedom of information/software/market act for software releases on all platforms. Apple has a monopoly on software distribution for the iPhone/iPod Touch computer platform and that simply should not be allowed. If you create a new hardware platform that is open to software development, that market should be independent of the company pushing the platform since clearly that constitutes a monopoly of software for that platform and leads to BS nonsense like this example shows. Imagine if they wanted 30% of all profits for the Mac platform and insisted software for the Mac could only be sold through iTunes.... That would never stand the light of day. Yet apparently it's OK if OSX is put onto a hand-held mobile computer and then forced to interface through iTunes (shakes head). As usual, the real loser here is the consumer who does not get all the software for the platform that he/she should be able to get. Instead you get mountains of two-bit 99 cent throw-away applications because no company in their right mind would put a lot of money into developing a really good application only to have Apple reject it on a whim!

    Yes I know that you brain-washed types that worship Steve Jobs will scream and moan about this sort of comment since you seem to think that Steve should be allowed to do ANYTHING he wants in this world and have some contorted view of Capitalism that seems to think competition doesn't include Apple since they are somehow special and magical and should be left alone to do things like extort 30% off the top of all 3rd party software (very Mafia-esque IMO), but I say I don't care what a bunch of brain-washed groupies think so do me a favor and spare me your opinions. I couldn't care less about any form of fan-boy or fanatical viewpoint on ANYTHING Apple related since it will clearly be completely 100% Apple biased and therefore 100% WORTHLESS. Yes I already know you think it's Apple's hardware and therefore they have no market responsibilities to ANYONE. I think that's a load of horse manure. They exist in a country based on competition and if they don't like it, they should move to Communist China where there is none. Oh wait a second, they already make their hardware there so they're halfway there already! :eek:

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. sub zero vs scorpion mortal
  • sub zero vs scorpion mortal

  • enklined
    Mar 23, 05:34 PM
    Isn't it possible that the heads up provided up this app (and friends, newspapers, etc) may make people who know they will be drinking later in the evening re-think their mode of transportation? Could be saving a life or two.
    Eh not really. If you've been drinking. Don't drive. Not a difficult dilemma to solve. No technology required to solve it.

    And if you are planning to go out and get hammered, take a taxi.

    I agree, no one could argue against that. However, for the guy who thinks he may be sober enough to drive: he checks his phone and gets discouraged by the local check points and decides to hail a cab.

    Seems like a very decent possibility of this happening. Could save a life, or many. For that alone, the app shouldn't be pulled.

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. mortal kombat 2011 sub zero vs
  • mortal kombat 2011 sub zero vs

  • Drag'nGT
    Apr 30, 01:50 PM
    Curious that everyone is clamoring for a thunderbolt-enabled machine, but there isn't a single thunderbolt drive available on the market.

    I guess some people just need to feel like they have new stuff even if it's totally pointless.

    I want to see Apple PUSH Thunderbolt into the logic board and all of the connections. Let's see Thunderbolt run SSD drives!!! If Apple and Intel don't push Thunderbolt into the light and really show how much better it is, and when I say "show" I mean build it and sell it to people, then it'll be a great idea that we'll all get around to years later than we should.

    I could care less at the moment about external storage. I'll care at some point but not until the speed in the computer is as fast as it should be.

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. sub zero vs scorpion mortal
  • sub zero vs scorpion mortal

  • Ganymede
    Sep 5, 01:34 PM
    OH PLEEASE let it be the phone...i need a new one now!!!

    I've been hoping for this for a long, long time. I would love for this to be in the cards, but it just seems too different from iTMS to be announced. But hope springs eternal....

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. mortal kombat sub zero vs
  • mortal kombat sub zero vs

  • Coolerking
    Sep 8, 02:01 PM
    It isn't VISTA. I plan on installing on my 2 yr old PB as soon as it is released.

    And thank God that it isn't. It would be July of 2007 before it came out if Leopard was Vista.

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. mortal kombat 9 sub zero vs
  • mortal kombat 9 sub zero vs

  • parapup
    Apr 22, 02:48 PM
    AMD Fusion w/RadeonHD 6xxx and Price drop to $799 for the 11" and $899 for 13.3" - now that would send the sales skyrocketing.

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. mortal kombat 9 sub zero vs
  • mortal kombat 9 sub zero vs

  • aohus
    Apr 19, 12:28 PM
    Apple should just buy out Samsung!

    Simplistic, I know.


    Samsung is a 'chaebol' corporation, a conglomerate. The company is HUGE. It would be the equivalent of Apple/Microsoft/Blackberry combined + TSMC/Global Foundries + Shipbuilding + Property Real Estate + Electronics, etc. Not only that but Apple gets their A4/A5 chips + flash memory manufactured at Samsung fab plants.

    This is the GUI wars all over again... Last time Apple sued Microsoft for copying their GUI desktop to make Windows....

    (and no Xerox didn't invent that they invented windowing not really a desktop Apple did that bit.)

    Anyway Apple lost and Microsoft took over the world while Apple dwindled to a market share of less than 5%.

    I don't think they want that to happen this time....

    they didn't invent the GUI? This doesn't look like a desktop to you?

    Sure does to me.

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. sub zero vs scorpion
  • sub zero vs scorpion

  • QuarterSwede
    Sep 15, 06:56 PM
    The biggest reason phones suck today is because the interfaces are horrible (SE's being the best of them all). Motorola's phones are nice but their UI's are awful. What I am expecting from Apple is an easy to use phone that looks great and has, nothing less than, an excellent UI. And of course it'll work with iSync ... that's just obvious.

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. mortal kombat 9 sub zero vs
  • mortal kombat 9 sub zero vs

  • BrianMojo
    Sep 5, 03:56 PM
    Come on Apple, show us the HD. In a time when everyone's standoffish about HD because of the format wars Apple adopting the technology would mean you would never have bought into the wrong technology -- and eventually I imagine it would become the standard.

    Come on Apple, push the technology forward like you know you should. Please?

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. User:Scorp zero - The Mortal
  • User:Scorp zero - The Mortal

  • patseguin
    Sep 12, 02:22 PM
    Disappointment...What can I say!! May be I was expecting too much :(

    Yeah, I wanted to see the phone that was rumored (phone, iPod, remote control, etc.).

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. mortal-kombat-vs-dc-universe.
  • mortal-kombat-vs-dc-universe.

  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 14, 12:32 PM
    What? You said the word Merom but didn't include a link to the guide? :p

    Well anyways, if Apple could get Conroes into iMacs it would be great. A challenge I know (and I still personally think it is more likely to be a Merom iMac) but it would help to be that little bit more competitive. The rest is pretty much predictable, Merom for MBPs and eventually MacBooks and Mac Minis. Woodcrest for Mac Pro and MacServe (Macs in everything right ;) ). iMac's future is a big ?.

    If you notice. Nowhere on the Apple store does it say "Yonah". It says Core Duo.

    So all Apple has to do is say Core 2 Duo. There will be no "Merom" or "Conroe" differentation.

    Besides I would rather have a Merom. It requires less power, which makes it run cooler, which makes it more effecient. Heat kills performance.

    It is very likely that in the same box (iMac), that the the Merom will beat out the Conroe. Why? Because of heat.

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. mortal kombat 9 sub zero vs
  • mortal kombat 9 sub zero vs

  • pengu
    Sep 17, 07:54 PM

    um.. ok im not sure that is really a response. that just tells me that you can add a phone to your plan for $10.

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. sub zero vs scorpion mortal
  • sub zero vs scorpion mortal

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 19, 05:18 PM
    A number one customer in their electronics division that accounts to a whopping 4 % of Samsungs sales

    The reliance Apple has on Samsung is much more than that Samsung has on Apple...

    maybe maybe not. My guess is Apple would be hurt more since Samsung would have a fairly easy time filling up most of those lost orders. Reason why is because shortage of those type of parts. Everyone is fighting over them.

    Samsung is one of Apple largest suppliers.

    sub zero vs scorpion mortal kombat 9. mortal kombat 9 sub zero and
  • mortal kombat 9 sub zero and

  • zephonic
    Apr 30, 05:04 PM
    I wish they'd make top spec available for the smaller display model. I need the horsepower but not the 27".

    I know I know, not gonna happen...

    Sep 17, 01:17 PM
    If you're listening Apple, I'm interested in the iPhone. I buy my phones outright and I'm not interested in changing carriers (currently on T-Mobile). So you better sell it yourself and hardware unlocked.
    I could bet Aplle experience is done by the hardware/software/channel tied. Looking at the iPod + iTunes + iTunes Store, I'm pretty sure they would use their own Virtual Mobile operator channel, tied with their phone...

    Apr 22, 08:44 PM
    C'mon Apple give us some new machines to actually talk about - like SB mini; like SB imac; like SB air.

    Apr 4, 12:19 PM
    If this "mall cop" also happens to be an off-duty police officer moonlighting at a second job, I'm not surprised at the outcome. Police officers are rightfully taught to shoot to kill. A wounded criminal can still kill an officer wheras a dead one cannot. Unfortunate outcome, but the simple truth is don't commit armed robbery.

    Apr 14, 02:11 PM
    in all seriousness people, this thing is going to scare people off...

    Apr 22, 01:47 PM
    Exactly what I was thinking I'd much rather have the 320M it makes youtube and other graphics accelerated apps so much better than the 9400M, can't imagine downgrading to igp.

    Youtube is a problem. The Intel 3000HD still isn't supported by the Video Decode Acceleration Framework (VDA for short) that Apple released in 2010 to enable Adobe to implement hardware decoding of H.264 video. So right now, a MBA is offloading decoding to the nVidia 320M, while a new SB MBA would revert to standard CPU decoding, throwing us back to the dark ages of ****** Flash, where we now have passable Flash.


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